About us

hostucan_smgr | 2013-12-17 Number of comments (1)

Shanghai Ruicheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. owns the ownership and management right of HostUCan webmaster

IDC Dianping.com (HostUCan) was founded in September 2010. It was originally a host Dianping.com, and later changed its name to IDC Dianping.com in early 2015.

Our goal is to help webmasters find the best products and services for building websites. At present, on our platform, users can find product information of various Internet service providers at home and abroad, including domain names, virtual hosts, virtual hosts, server rental, computer rooms, CDNs, cloud storage, SSL certificates, corporate mailboxes, website development services, etc. IDC Dianping.com has become a one-stop search platform for enterprises to find website building services.

In addition, IDC Dianping.com IDC of the Year It is one of the most popular selection activities in China. The ranking method based entirely on review data makes IDC pay more attention to product quality and customer service, thus effectively providing overall customer satisfaction in the IDC industry.

Every year, IDC Dianping.com also cooperates with WHD, a world-famous IDC industry conference organization, to jointly hold WHD.china Global IDC Industry Conference , become one of the most influential Internet conferences in China, let IDCs at home and abroad compete on the same platform, and show the latest and best products and services for the industry.

At present, there are more than 300 IDC service providers registered on IDC Dianping.com, and nearly 3000 products can be searched. At present, there are more than 50000 registered users.

IDC Dianping.com provides a product search engine based on the purpose of use

Our host search function can effectively recommend host space products that meet the webmaster's website requirements through the analysis of user comment data. The tool will search the same results according to the different choices of the four filter criteria.

  • Host country : Is the host you are searching for a domestic host or a foreign host;
  • Host type : the host type you want;
  • Development framework or script : How do you want to build your website;
  • Daily flow : The traffic range you want the host to support.

According to your choice of the above four conditions, the system will search the host product list that best meets your wishes. At the same time, we have a quick search option under the tool to make the search host more convenient and fast!

IDC Dianping.com provides 360 degree product display function

In order to help consumers find the products that best meet their needs, IDC Dianping.com, while doing a good job in product recommendation and ranking, provides users with convenient product information, including:

  • Customer comments
  • Expert evaluation
  • Target customer analysis, strength and weakness analysis
  • Promotional offer
  • User Guide
  • Journalism

IDC domain name Price comparison tool

First domestic product Domain name price comparison tool , compare the domain name registration prices of various domain name service providers, and help friends who need to purchase domain names to choose the domain name with the lowest price. It is powerful and worth experiencing!

IDC of the Year

WHD.china IDC Industry Conference


Webmaster forum

Webmaster forum Come here to find the answers you want, share your achievements, or make more friends.

There is no best, only better. HostUCan webmaster is willing to be your best friend on the webmaster's road!


Focus on cloud computing, scan two-dimensional code, and focus on HostUCan cloud computing

There are good articles that I hope webmasters can help share and promote I want to contribute

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All comments (1)

2016-10-25 13:01
Is the website still drupal now?
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