TrustAsia (Asia Integrity) makes its debut in 2018 CloudFest China

Flora | 2018-05-11 cloud computing , meeting Number of comments (0)

The ever-changing Internet technology has greatly promoted the progress and development of society and affected people's work and life. At the same time, there are also increasingly serious network security problems. As a leader in the field of network security, TrustAsia (Asia Integrity) and Asia Digital Information Technology (Shanghai) were invited to attend the 2018 CloudFest China Station Conference as platinum sponsors. The meeting will be held on June 27-30, 2018 Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai Hold?

This year, the two industry summits of CloudFest China and NamesCon China will be held in the same place at the same time. In addition to their independent lecture halls, the two conferences will share an exhibition area and jointly hold Come2Gather welcome reception, VIP dinner and other activities.

As an important field of Internet technology innovation, cloud computing inevitably encounters the threat of escalating malicious network attacks. Under the new network security situation, what measures should be taken to ensure the security of sensitive data and avoid the loss of network core data? This is the last door to prevent enterprises and individual users from "going to the cloud", and it is also an urgent problem for relevant service providers to solve. In view of this, TrustAsia, the platinum sponsor of 2018 CloudFest&NamesCon China, will share its latest solutions at the exhibition site and bring related keynote speeches. Please wait!

As the platinum strategic partner of DigiCert/Symantec in the Asia Pacific region and the strategic partner of chief security technology experts in the Asia Pacific region, TrustAsia (Asia Integrity) has strong professional and technical strength, rigorous international certification and audit services, and takes a leading position in the field of digital certificates and Internet security. It provides the world's first brand DigiCert/Symantec SSL digital certificates and security evaluation system, encryption ubiquitous solution, SSLCloud cloud monitoring system MPKI and a series of network information security management solutions continue to provide stable and secure online services for thousands of large enterprises in Asia Pacific.

I believe that the 2018 CloudFest China Station Conference, which is joined by TrustAsia (Asia Integrity), will surely open up a reliable and stable "safe channel" for the development of cloud computing security field!

At present, the investment attraction of the conference has entered the countdown. If you want to obtain the conference cooperation scheme of 2018 CloudFest&NamesCon China Station, please contact as soon as possible Or call 021-55669186 and look forward to your joining!

The 50% discount early bird tickets for the conference are being snapped up within a limited time (closing on May 13). Please go to:

To learn the latest news of 2018 CloudFest China Station, you can check Or follow the official WeChat official account: World Cloud Computing Day (WeChat: cloudfest, can scan the QR code below).

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