Accessibility in Wyoming

Everyone embraces life’s joys and challenges in the vast open spaces and wilderness regions of Wyoming. It is here that you can take a deep breath and discover endless opportunities that are equitable and accessible. Whether climbing, camping, paddling, cycling, hiking or skiing, Wyoming is a place where everyone can join in the fun and do more. Our vast outdoor spaces offer benefits to mental and physical well-being for all. And many of Wyoming’s most iconic places offer assistance for hearing, vision and mobility impaired.

Adventure is Limitless in Wyoming.

Find Out More

 Accessible Travel

Wheelchair Accessibility in Wyoming’s Outdoor Spaces.

Wyoming’s iconic outdoor spaces offer a chance for everyone to get out and have an adventure, regardless of ability.


Photo Credit: @walkwithaustin

Experience the Outdoors with Teton Adaptive Sports.

Teton Adaptive Sports provides options for people with different abilities to reap the benefits of Wyoming’s fresh air


 Paddleboarders on a lake - Teton Adaptive Sports: Empowering Everyone to get Outside

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 Modern Explorers
 Accessible Travel
 Modern Explorers
 Accessible Travel
 Modern Explorers
 Accessible Travel
 Modern Explorers