
Previously, I only used to exchange VLANs based on ports. The way of dividing VLANs based on IP subnets has not met the practical needs. I encountered that others' original network subnet IP segments were not enough for IP allocation, and I did not want to make major changes to the network or change the IP addresses of computers one by one. However, I can only add several VLANs later. I always write online tutorials

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The tutorial is a screenshot of the SSL VPN module added to the SF AF device, which was previously configured for others. The premise is that you must have a trusted device and the serial number of the SSL VPN module (because this module is available for extra payment) main points: New User and User Group Setting of role authorization Access Option Settings Resource management settings, mainly

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No. 419 is one of the most westerly lines in Zhuhai. The other line is 402A line, but that line has already reached Jiangmen City. Coincidentally, at the bus stop on the east of Qixing Avenue, you can see No. 419 in two directions (there are only two cars on this line)

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Graduation designs and resumes that existed on their own servers before were all cleaned up by Google search engine, which was discovered recently. You can only submit deletion requests one by one. Fortunately, the webmaster is myself, so it would be better to get a verification server file.  

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Disclaimer: The following tutorials can realize the number of WeChat steps on Android devices can be freely modified, but if the self modification results in the possible WeChat being blocked and other related consequences, it has nothing to do with this site and the author of this article. Don't believe any advertisements in the APP interface! This tutorial can be implemented on Android devices without the need for root or framework settings

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It was taken at Jida bus station. Guangtong 12m car, Guangtong "Dong San Axle" and Guangtong LNG model     Well, there's a can of Coke for five yuan, bought from the vending machine

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This time, the WordPress blog has been rebuilt with a new theme, which is still paid for. I still think WordPress is easy to use. It's troublesome to change the theme of Typecho and upload via FTP.

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The last two days found that the upstream traffic consumption of the ECS background was abnormal, and found the reason. The system was reset. I remember that there was a disk snapshot at that time, but I didn't think so much when I reset it. As a result, all the data was lost. Alas, the reason is found. It is caused by Alibaba Cloud Shield service. It is normal to stop the service traffic consumption. I thought it was WordPre

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