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The delivery time at the 4S store of BYD in Changlong, Suihua was delayed

ZQG Published on: 2023-04-22 one strip Comments:

Complaint model: BYD - Qin PLUS

Location: Heilongjiang - Suihua

Complaint No.: [112981]

Complaint object: Suihua Changlong Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd

details Complaint time: 2023-04-22 20:17
On April 5, 2023, the sales staff of the BYD 4S store in Suihua sent me a WeChat message saying that Qin would arrive in the next few days. However, he did not arrive until April 22. As soon as he called, he said it was fast. My request for the return of the deposit was also delayed for various reasons. On April 2, I went to the store and paid a deposit of 2000 yuan. I didn't give us a formal car purchase contract, but just gave us a receipt for the deposit. Now we request the 4S store to return the deposit immediately and apologize.

already existing zero Human solidarity ZQG

Beijing Netizen [112.34.110. *] 6~1000 characters
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