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Leakage of Audi Q5LSOS module

Zhang XII Published on: 2021-10-07 four strip Comments:
details Complaint time: 2021-10-07 11:29
In April 2021, I bought an Audi Q5L 45, which is currently driving 5100 kilometers. In July, the vehicle stopped driving for two days. After the whole vehicle was without power, it could not be started normally. After checking in to the 4S store, I detected the normal situation of the whole vehicle. In September, the first service made the 4S store detect that there was still no leakage. During the first service, I found that the Audi rescue function was closed. After the first service, the Audi rescue function was normal Use
After stopping on October 1st, the car was towed back to the 4S store on October 3rd without electricity
After detection, the fault is SOS module leakage. The dealer replied to the manufacturer that the waiting time for upgrading could not be determined and refused to replace the SOS module! The solution given by the 4S store is to wait for the manufacturer to upgrade and the waiting time is unknown, and to deal with the SOS module jumper!
Question 1: Is this a product quality problem? Why don't you agree to replace the SOS module with three jumpers? After handling the accident, assign responsibility for the accident. After handling the four jumpers, who will be responsible for the losses caused during the fourth period when the SOS module fails to meet the design requirements of the original manufacturer

already existing fourteen Human solidarity Zhang XII

Beijing Netizen [112.34.110. *] 6~1000 characters
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