Robots File Generator

    Select Search Engine
    Directories and paths restricted from crawling (must start with/; wildcards can be represented by *):
    Add sitemap map (Google is in xml format, Baidu is in html format):
    Specify the time interval for search engines to actively retrieve site updates
    Generated robots content:

    Tool Introduction

    The online robots.txt file generation tool can help webmasters quickly generate standard robots.txt files. It supports one click generation and can be directly transferred to the root directory of the website.


    a. If you do not restrict the search engine, you can directly use the default settings. If you do not want some paths and folders to be excluded, fill in the "Restricted directory or path" item according to the actual situation. If there is no sitemap map, leave it blank.

    b. After the code is generated, create a new "text document" on the local computer, and then paste and copy the code into the text document for saving. And name the text document "robots. txt".

    c. Upload the robots document to the root directory of the website. (Note: After uploading the file, verify again: if your website domain name is, you can open it and see the contents by visiting