Tool Classification Index

Common tools

Gitee code hosting · collaborative development platform, enterprise code hosting and project management services.
label: Git , Code hosting , project management
 Online API documentation
The online API documentation tool provides dozens of documents in various languages for developers to consult online.
label: JDK JavaEE JQuery
RunJS, Online editing and running HTML, CSS, JS, let JS fly for a while!
label: RunJS JS CSS HTML
 Common Comparison Table
Here is a comparison table commonly used by IT developers, such as ASCII, HTML escape characters, RGB colors, etc.
label: ASCII HTML Escape RGB
 Online regular expression test
Online regular expression matching and replacement
label: regular expression regex
 Online encryption/decryption, hash/hash
This gadget provides online text encryption/decryption, hash, BASE64, SHA1, MD5, AES and other algorithms
label: SHA1 MD5 AES
 Generate QR Code online
Generate QR code, which can provide multiple parameter settings to generate QR code, and can set the output image format (GIF/JPEG/PNG), error correction level, type, margin, and cell size
label: QR
 Online code formatting
This tool provides code formatting functions for Java, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSON, and SQL.
label: Java HTML SQL
 Online code coloring/highlighting
This tool can provide online functions such as coloring code keywords, adding line numbers, and outputting HTML
label: Code coloring Code highlighting
 Online JS/CSS compression
Users can use this tool to compress Javascript and CSS code online.
label: Javascript CSS compress
 On line code conversion
This tool provides developers with native to Unicode and ASCII encoding conversion
label: ASCII Unicode code
 On line decimal conversion
This tool can realize any conversion between 2~36 base numbers and supports floating point type.
label: Binary hexadecimal Decimal conversion
 Online MathML editing test
This tool provides online editing of MathML, LaTeX and mathematical formulas, and the function of generating pictures.
label: MathML LaTeX mathematical formula
 Online LESS compiler
This tool can compile your LESS code into CSS code online for the convenience of front-end personnel
label: Less CSS
 Online MarkDown compiler
This tool can help developers convert text on the web into HTML documents.
label: HTML Markdown
 Online UBB/HTML conversion
This tool can facilitate developers to transfer between UBB and HTML.
label: UBB HTML
 Online CSV to HTML table
This tool provides online CSV to HTML tables, which can quickly convert CSV data to display data on the page.
label: CSV
 Complete demo of jQuery online plug-in
This online tool provides demonstrations of a large number of commonly used jQuery plug-ins, saves you the time of plug-in selection, and provides online editing of examples.
label: jquery plug-in unit

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