
Published on / life / 9 comments

Today, my colleague at work wanted to change the light in his home. Innocently, he thought that changing the optical fiber could also change the air day by day, too young,too simple。
However, the actual situation is that the colleague said that he felt faster than before!! There are many reasons for this.
The ratio of optical fiber and cable is very delicate. There should be no excessive bending, otherwise it may be broken. Even if it is not broken, there will be some loss. If the loss is large, it will be high.
The loss is not only caused by the bending of optical cable, but also caused by poor fusion of optical fiber.
Fiber fusion depends not only on the craftsmanship of the masters but also on the equipment used.
Generally speaking, the domestic welding machine and cutting knife are not very easy to use. I remember my friend said that the domestic machine should be used for broadband. The welding machine can be used. But it may be disconnected by itself.
The requirements of the construction team I have contacted are generally the minimum requirements, and it is OK to pass. Only the key computer room, or when someone comes down to look at it, can it be properly handled. After all, the wages are there.
Do as much work as you pay.
I always thought that this should be the case in the BTS (the picture is from the network)

Later, when I entered the base station, I found that this was the case (live shot). I was scared to stop other services.

I have worked in communication engineering for some time before, so I know something about it. The communication engineering heard that the grid B is quite high. In fact, it is to climb the tower to install an antenna and put optical cables for welding.
The most I heard during that time was


No one will give you more money even if you do it normatively

  1. This shows the operation specifications of a person or a team. If I can't stand such a messy line, it must be neat and clean

  2. About the line of my community :mrgreen:

    1. @Unorthodox moment It's OK to use it. Nobody cares
  3. Ha ha ha, only the machine room of the organization is like the one above

    1. @Uncle Louis There is no leader to go to the basic is like this~!
  4. Ha ha, you must not dare to do it alone. Still need the old man's machine 💡

    1. @Grey memory Old drivers dare not do it easily
  5. All projects should be similar. Most of them are up to standard at the first time, but they will be ruined after maintenance. Most of the time, it is hard to find temporary workers to work on behalf of the team. It would be great if they could connect them. The person who arrived at n+1 did not dare to move at once. Even if you want to tidy up, you are powerless.

    1. @Roughly It's really powerless~!