Ma Xingrui Elken Tunyazi Meets with Turkish Foreign Minister Ferdinand

Original by Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily 2024-06-05 20:46:16

On June 5, Ma Xingrui, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and Elken Tunyazi, Chairman of the Autonomous Region, met with Turkish Foreign Minister Fedan and his delegation in Urumqi. Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily reporter Cui Zhijian

Shiliuyun/Xinjiang Daily (reporter Wang Xingrui reported) Ma Xingrui, secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and Elken Tunyazi, chairman of the Autonomous Region, met with Turkish Foreign Minister Ferdan and his delegation in Urumqi on June 5.

Ma Xingrui, on behalf of the CPC Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Committee and the People's Government of the Autonomous Region, welcomed Ferdan to visit Xinjiang, China. He said that under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Erdogan, China Turkey friendly exchanges and practical cooperation in various fields have made positive progress. Thanks to the development of bilateral relations, local exchanges between Xinjiang, China and Turkey are increasingly close. In the process of China's comprehensive construction of a modern socialist power, President Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China have given Xinjiang great concern and support and given it a special and important strategic position. Xinjiang fully, accurately and comprehensively implements the Communist Party of China's strategy of governing Xinjiang in the new era, adheres to the building of a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line of all work, and fully promotes the construction of Chinese style modernization. High quality economic and social development shows a positive trend, and people of all ethnic groups have in-depth exchanges and exchanges, holding together like pomegranate seeds. Terrorism is the public enemy of mankind, which has brought great harm to social stability and people's security in Xinjiang. We are willing to deepen cooperation with Turkey to jointly combat separatism, terrorism and extremism. As the core area of the "Belt and Road", Xinjiang, China is unswervingly expanding its opening to the outside world, building a golden passage between Asia and Europe, and opening a bridgehead to the west. There is huge potential for cooperation and development between Xinjiang and Turkey. It is hoped that both sides will thoroughly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, improve the quality and level of trade, and contribute to the sustainable, healthy and stable development of bilateral relations.

Fedan said that both Turkey and China have a long history, and bilateral cooperation in important areas is being actively promoted. He hoped that this trip would further promote the development of bilateral strategic cooperative relations. This time I came to Xinjiang, China, and saw that the urban facilities were perfect, the society was prosperous and developed, and the cultures and languages of all ethnic groups were well protected. Turkey's position on the Xinjiang issue is clear and firm. It firmly opposes terrorism, does not support or participate in anti China activities using ethnic issues, and is not allowed to engage in activities in Turkey that endanger China's security and undermine China's territorial integrity. Xinjiang is a window for cooperation between China and Central Asia, Turkey and other countries. It is hoped that both sides will work together to strengthen anti-terrorism cooperation, expand exchanges and promote new progress in bilateral cooperation in economy, trade, agriculture, civil aviation and other fields.

Turkish parliamentarians, ambassadors to China and relevant personnel from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended the meeting.

Chen Weijun, Yilizati Aihemaitijiang, comrades in charge of the Asia Africa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and comrades in charge of relevant departments of the autonomous region attended the meeting.

Editor in charge: Liu Hao

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