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Tianjin Shuku land register

Tianjin Branch of Dongyi Risheng Home Decoration Group Co., Ltd

Capital: 10 million

Qualification: None

Time of establishment: September 9, 2003

Price: 500-2800 yuan

Address: Floor 1, Paradise Building, No. 2, Paradise Road, Hexi District, Tianjin

The reputation value of is 100184
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Company Profile

As the first A-share listed enterprise in the home decoration industry, Dongyi Risheng Decoration Co., Ltd. entered Tianjin in 2003 to provide "organic overall residential decoration" solutions for Tianjin and its surrounding elites. At present, it has opened 11 stores in the Tianjin undertaking area, respectively designing a center for Tianjin Xingyao Headquarters, Tianjin Details>>

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