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Smart WebP , PNG and JPEG compression

More than 1 billion WebP, PNG and JPEG images have been optimized and are increasing!

What did TinyPNG do?

TinyPNG uses intelligent lossy compression technology to File size reduction By selectively reducing the color in the image, only a small number of bytes are needed to save data. The visual impact is almost invisible, but there is a big difference in file size.

Why do I use TinyPNG?

PNG is useful because it is the only part that can be stored Transparent image A widely supported format for. This format uses compression, but the file is still large. Use TinyPNG to compress pictures for your applications and sites. Will reduce bandwidth consumption, and Faster loading

Who can tell?

Good question! Let me give you an intuitive comparison. Below are two photos of my cousin. On the left is a 24 bit PNG image saved directly from Adobe Photoshop. On the right is the same picture processed by TinyPNG. Did you find anything different?

 Original document
Original transparent PNG
file size 57 KB
 Compressed transparent PNG
Compressed transparent PNG
file size 15 KB

How does it work?

Good question! When you upload a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) picture, similar colors in the picture will be merged. This technique is called "quantification". By reducing the number of colors, 24 bit PNG files can be converted into smaller 8-bit indexed color images. All unnecessary metadata is also discarded. The result is Support 100% transparency Better PNG file. Have it both ways!

The file size in the above figure is reduced Over 70% Even though I have good eyesight, I still can't see the difference! Visitors to your website will thank you for using optimized images to reduce bandwidth and load time.

Is it widely applicable?

Good question! The files generated by TinyPNG can be displayed perfectly in all modern browsers, Including mobile devices Do you still need to support Internet Explorer 6? It usually ignores PNG transparency and displays a solid background. With TinyPNG, the background will be transparent again. Use binary transparency instead of any workaround!

Is it safe to use animated PNG?

Good question! Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge All support APNG. Only Internet Explorer does not support this format.

With the release of iOS 10, Apple added animated stickers to iMessage. If you want to make and compress stickers below 500 KB, please go to Github to check IMessage Panda sticker Example.

What about Photoshop?

Good question! Only Photoshop CC 20152017 and 2018 can save images as index PNG files with alpha transparency. It can't be done on other versions, and Photoshop CS5 can't even display these pictures correctly.

You can use Save to Web Format Export the picture as a 24 bit transparent PNG file and upload it to TinyPNG. We will convert them into very small index PNG files. You can also install TinyPNG Photoshop plug-in It allows you to zoom, preview, and save compressed PNG and JPEG pictures directly in Photoshop.

Why do you make TinyPNG?

Good question! We often use PNG images, but we are annoyed with the loading time. We created TinyPNG to make our website faster and more pleasant to use through the best compression scheme. In 2014, we added the intelligent compression function for JPEG images, and in 2016, we added support for animated PNG. Using this website to compress pictures is free for everyone, and we hope to keep this way! If you like TinyPNG, please go to contribution Support us.

Trusted by thousands of companies around the world

Try TinyPNG with a new browser

TinyPNG is created for modern browsers with HTML5 & CSS3 support. We have not tried it out in other browsers. The site may work, or it may not. If you see this message you may want to try a different browser!