Changsha Weather

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 Changsha Weather
Monday, June 24, 2024 Latest update: 15:20
 light rain twenty-six Minimum 21 ℃ - maximum 26 ℃
light rain
Wind direction: southeast wind
Precipitation: 37.09mm
Wind speed: 10km/h
Relative humidity: 96% rh

Rainstorm, orange alarm:

Hunan Meteorological Station will issue an orange rainstorm warning at 7:29 on June 23, 2024: It is expected that from 8:00 on June 23 to 8:00 on June 24, some areas in central and northern Hunan will have heavy rain, local heavy rain, thunderstorms, gales and other severe convective weather. Please strengthen prevention. Orange warning area: northwest of Changsha, south of Xiangxi Prefecture, Yiyang, Yueyang, and central Huaihua.

Rainstorm, orange alarm:

At 15:59 on June 23, 2024, Hunan Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning: it is expected that from 20:00 on June 23 to 20:00 on June 24, some areas in central and northern Hunan will have rainstorm, local heavy rainstorm, accompanied by thunderstorms, thunderstorms, gales and other severe convective weather, please strengthen prevention. Orange warning areas: Changsha, northern Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, southern Xiangxi, Yiyang, southern Yueyang, north central Huaihua, Loudi and northern Shaoyang.

Monday, June 24, 2024 Latest update: 15:20
 light rain twenty-six Minimum 21 ℃ - maximum 26 ℃
light rain
Wind direction: southeast wind
Precipitation: 37.09mm
Wind speed: 10km/h
Relative humidity: 96% rh

Rainstorm, orange alarm:

Hunan Meteorological Station will issue an orange rainstorm warning at 7:29 on June 23, 2024: It is expected that from 8:00 on June 23 to 8:00 on June 24, some areas in central and northern Hunan will have heavy rain, local heavy rain, thunderstorms, gales and other severe convective weather. Please strengthen prevention. Orange warning area: northwest of Changsha, south of Xiangxi Prefecture, Yiyang, Yueyang, and central Huaihua.

Rainstorm, orange alarm:

At 15:59 on June 23, 2024, Hunan Meteorological Station issued an orange rainstorm warning: it is expected that from 20:00 on June 23 to 20:00 on June 24, some areas in central and northern Hunan will have rainstorm, local heavy rainstorm, accompanied by thunderstorms, thunderstorms, gales and other severe convective weather, please strengthen prevention. Orange warning areas: Changsha, northern Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, southern Xiangxi, Yiyang, southern Yueyang, north central Huaihua, Loudi and northern Shaoyang.

Changsha 24-hour weather forecast

Latest update: 15:20
light rain
 light rain
Southeast wind
light rain
 light rain
Southeast wind
light rain
 light rain
Southeast wind
light rain
 light rain
Southeast wind
light rain
 light rain
east wind
light rain
 light rain
east wind
light rain
 light rain
east wind
light rain
 light rain
Southeast wind
light rain
 light rain
Southeast wind
light rain
 light rain
east wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
north wind
moderate rain
 moderate rain
north wind
moderate rain
 moderate rain
northeasterly wind
moderate rain
 moderate rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind
moderate rain
 moderate rain
northeasterly wind
moderate rain
 moderate rain
northeasterly wind
moderate rain
 moderate rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind
light rain
 light rain
northeasterly wind

Travel dressing index


Body feeling: 26 ℃

Long sleeved T-shirts, shirts and trousers are recommended. The elderly and infirm should wear knitted long sleeved shirts, waistcoats and trousers.


Weather forecast for the next 5 days in Changsha

Latest update: 15:20
 heavy rain
heavy rain
Minimum 21 ℃ - maximum 26 ℃
northeasterly wind
 heavy rain
heavy rain
Minimum 20 ℃ - maximum 22 ℃
northwest wind
 heavy rain
heavy rain
Minimum 20 ℃ - maximum 21 ℃
northwest wind
 heavy rain
heavy rain
Minimum 20 ℃ - maximum 24 ℃
Southeast wind
 moderate rain
moderate rain
Minimum 23 ℃ - maximum 27 ℃
Southerly wind

Changsha Today Life Index

Latest update: 15:20
 Life index picture
Traffic index
There is strong rainfall, the road is wet and slippery, the visibility is not very good, the traffic meteorological conditions are poor, and the vehicles should drive at a low speed during the high accident period.
 Life index picture
Tourism index
On a day with moderate temperature, the wind is not strong, but there is strong rainfall, which will cause you a lot of trouble. It is suggested that you should choose indoor activities more often!
 Exercise index
Exercise index
Not suitable
There is strong rainfall, so it is recommended that you choose indoor fitness and leisure activities.
 Rowing index
Rowing index
The weather is bad in the daytime, so it is not suitable for boating. It is suggested to choose other entertainment methods.
 Air pollution diffusion condition index
Air pollution diffusion condition index
The meteorological conditions are very conducive to the dilution, diffusion and removal of air pollutants, and can be used for normal outdoor activities.
 Cold index
Cold index
The weather turns cold, the air humidity is high, and it is easy to catch a cold. Please pay attention to proper protection for weak friends.
 Comfort index
Comfort index
There is rain during the day, and the rainfall is large, which increases the air humidity and makes people feel a bit stuffy, but the weather in the morning and evening is cool and comfortable.
 Morning exercise index
Morning exercise index
not suitable
There is strong rainfall. Please avoid outdoor morning exercises. It is recommended to do appropriate exercises indoors to keep healthy.
 Anaphylactic index
Anaphylactic index
Very unlikely
The weather conditions are very difficult to induce allergy, there is strong rainfall, and the air is humid. Please take rain gear when traveling.
 Fishing index
Fishing index
not suitable
The weather is not good for fishing.
 Car washing index
Car washing index
not suitable
It is not suitable to wash the car. It will rain in the next 24 hours. If you wash the car during this period, the rain and muddy water on the road may contaminate your car again.
 Umbrella index
Umbrella index
With umbrella
There is strong rainfall, you must take an umbrella when you go out to avoid being wet by rain.
 Nightlife index
Nightlife index
Less suitable
There is strong rainfall, which will bring great inconvenience to your travel. It is suggested that night life should be carried out indoors.
 Air conditioning opening index
Air conditioning opening index
Less open
You will feel very comfortable, and generally do not need to turn on the air conditioner.
 Ultraviolet index
Ultraviolet index
It belongs to weak ultraviolet radiation weather, so no special protection is required. If you are outdoors for a long time, it is recommended to apply sunscreen skin care products with SPF between 8-12.
 Shopping index
Shopping index
The heavy rainfall is not suitable for shopping. If you insist on going out, please take your rain gear with you.
 Road condition index
Road condition index
Wet and slippery
There is rain, and there has been rain in the past 12 hours. The road is wet and slippery, and the vehicle is easy to slip. Please keep your distance, slow down, and drive carefully.
 Beer index
Beer index
Hot weather may increase the temptation of beer to you. Drinking beer in moderation will bring you a cool feeling, but be careful not to overdo it!
 Airing index
Airing index
not suitable
There is strong precipitation, which is not suitable for drying. If you need to dry, please prepare enough space indoors.
 Dating Index
Dating Index
It's windy outdoors, and the strong rainfall weather will add a lot of trouble to outdoor dating. It's better to have a heart to heart talk indoors.
 Hairdressing Index
Hairdressing Index
Extremely suitable
The temperature and humidity are suitable, and the wind force is small. This creates a healthy and clean growth environment for your hair. With your careful care, your hair will be elegant and moving.
 Dressing index
Dressing index
Long sleeved T-shirts, shirts and trousers are recommended. The elderly and infirm should wear knitted long sleeved shirts, waistcoats and trousers.
 wind-chill index
wind-chill index
If the temperature does not reach the low temperature required for wind cooling, make some cold prevention preparations.
 Mood index
Mood index
Strong precipitation will make people feel bad, so pay attention to self regulation.
 Kite flying index
Kite flying index
not suitable
The bad weather is not suitable for flying kites.
It is a weak ultraviolet radiation weather and has been outdoors for a long time. It is recommended to apply sunscreen skin care products with SPF between 8-12.
 Makeup index
Makeup index
The weather is hot, it is recommended to use dew based cream as the base, water oil-free foundation cream, transparent powder, powder rouge.

Weather forecast of surrounding cities today

Xiangtan Xiangtan Weather 22℃ - 27℃
Zhuzhou Zhuzhou Weather 21℃ - 29℃
Yiyang Yiyang Weather 22℃ - 26℃
Loudi Loudi weather 21℃ - 26℃
Pingxiang Pingxiang Weather 21℃ - 29℃
Yueyang Yueyang Weather 21℃ - 26℃
Changde Changde Weather 21℃ - 25℃
city in Hunan Hengyang Weather 23℃ - 32℃
Yichun Yichun weather 21℃ - 27℃
Shaoyang Shaoyang Weather 22℃ - 30℃
Xinyu Xinyu Weather 22℃ - 28℃

Domestic popular city weather

Domestic hot district/county weather

Weather of domestic popular scenic spots

Other weather recommendations

The recent weather in Changsha shows a trend of continuous rainfall, which has a certain impact on the life and travel of citizens. Specifically: In terms of transportation, the current traffic index is poor. Due to strong precipitation, slippery road surface and poor visibility, the traffic conditions are relatively poor, and the accident is in a high incidence stage. Remind all driver friends to slow down when driving, keep a safe distance, and ensure travel safety. In terms of tourism, it is not suitable for outdoor activities today. Although the temperature is moderate and the wind is moderate, the continuous light to moderate rain will bring inconvenience to tourists. It is suggested that the planned outdoor travel should be carried out indoors to avoid the trouble caused by rain. The detailed weather forecast shows that today (Monday, June 24, 2024), light rain will be maintained throughout the day, the temperature will fluctuate between 21 ℃ and 26 ℃, the southeast wind will blow about 10km/h, the relative humidity will be as high as 96%, and the precipitation is expected to reach 37.09mm, reminding citizens to carry rain gear and pay attention to moisture and warmth. In the next 24 hours, Changsha will continue to have mild to moderate rain, especially from noon to evening. The temperature will drop slightly, and the north wind will turn to the northeast wind. The overall wind direction and speed will remain stable. Looking forward to the next five days, the weather in Changsha will still be heavy rain, and the temperature will vary between 20 ℃ and 27 ℃. From the 25th to the 26th, the northwest wind brought cool, and then the wind direction turned to southeast and south wind. The temperature gradually rose, but the rainfall intensity weakened, until the 28th, it turned to moderate rain. Based on the above information, the recent weather in Changsha is characterized by wet and cold weather and continuous rainfall. Citizens should pay attention to rain protection and warmth, reasonably plan their daily activities and travel plans, and ensure safety and health.

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