[Dynamic] Beijing's response to climate change takes the lead in the country, and key carbon emission units adopt quota management

2024-04-24 08:48 Beijing Daily

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Source Title: Beijing takes the lead in tackling climate change, and key carbon emission units adopt quota management

Beijing has been working hard to cope with climate change and build a low-carbon city. The reporter learned from the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment that Beijing has recently issued the Measures for the Management of Carbon Emission Trading in Beijing (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures") and the Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in Beijing (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), which define the implementation of list management for carbon emission units and quota management for key units. According to the plan, by 2035, the ability of the whole society to adapt to climate change will be significantly improved, and the climate adaptive society will be basically completed.

Ming Dengli, Director of the Climate Change Response Division of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, introduced that the carbon market has become an important policy tool to control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and a basic system to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. As one of the national pilot projects, Beijing continues to explore and improve the carbon market mechanism. In recent years, by constantly exploring and innovating the low-carbon development model, Beijing has ranked among the best in the evaluation of the pilot construction of low-carbon cities in China, and has been rated as an excellent city. The work of tackling climate change has taken the lead in the country.

The Management Measures issued this time further standardized carbon emissions trading and related activities, promoted the realization of Beijing's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, and coordinated control of pollutant emissions. The Management Measures clearly put forward that Beijing will implement the list management of carbon emission units, and legal entities with annual comprehensive energy consumption of more than 2000 tons of standard coal (including) in the administrative region of the city will be included in the management, among which, the annual carbon dioxide emissions of 5000 tons (including) are the key carbon emission units; Implement quota management for key carbon emission units. Quota distribution includes free and paid; Implement the carbon emission trading system, and specify that key carbon emission units and units voluntarily participating in the trading can participate in carbon trading, and the trading products include the city's carbon emission quotas, voluntary emission reductions approved by the city, etc; Implement carbon emission reporting and third-party verification system, emphasize the main responsibility of carbon emission units for data quality, and encourage key carbon emission units to consume green electricity.

The Action Plan states that by 2025, the policy system and institutional mechanism for Beijing's adaptation to climate change will be gradually improved, and the atmosphere for the whole society to consciously participate in adaptation to climate change will initially take shape; By 2030, the policy system and institutional mechanism for adapting to climate change will be basically improved, and significant achievements will be made in building a climate adaptive society; By 2035, the ability of the whole society to adapt to climate change will be significantly improved, and the climate adaptive society will be basically completed.

Carbon emission has costs and carbon reduction has benefits. Next, Beijing will continue to make good use of the carbon market mechanism, strengthen low-carbon pilot demonstration, deepen climate adaptation action, and strive to promote Beijing's efforts to tackle climate change to a new level.

Source Title: Beijing takes the lead in tackling climate change, and key carbon emission units adopt quota management

Editor in charge: Li Donghong Author: Luo Qianwen

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