[Dynamic] Visiting Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei online celebrities, telling about new quality productivity with camera

2024-04-18 10:23 Beijing Daily

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Source Title: Visiting Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Network Celebrities Tell about New Quality Productivity with Camera

Recently, the online celebrity tour activity of "V View Beijing Tianjin Hebei New Quality Building Brilliance" jointly organized by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Netcom and the United Front Department was launched in Beijing. The reporter learned that the purpose of this activity is to gather the power of online celebrities and publicize the effectiveness of the development of new quality productivity in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in line with local conditions. During the event, online celebrities will visit representative sites in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Recently, more than 30 Chinese and foreign Internet celebrities from science and technology, current politics and other fields visited the Beijing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone, high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone and BAIC New Energy Blue Valley Test Center. In the next three days, they will also visit representative sites in Tianjin and Hebei, and use vivid video works to give a "good voice" of new quality productivity and tell a "good story" of high-quality development.

In the exhibition hall of the Exchange Center of Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone, network celebrities learned about the park's planning and construction, industrial policies, product applications, visited hydrogen fuel engines, hydrogen cars, motorcycles, bicycles and other products, and also learned about the use of hydrogen energy in the world's largest daily hydrogen refueling station. It is reported that in the past year, Phase I and Phase II of the South Area of the Daxing International Hydrogen Energy Demonstration Zone were officially put into use, the National Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Quality Inspection and Testing Center was listed for construction, the production base of SDIC, Meijin Hydrogen Energy Headquarters and other key projects were successfully started, and the first carbon emission reduction transaction in the hydrogen energy field was launched, and the cumulative promotion of fuel cell vehicles exceeded 900. This year, we will also accelerate the planning and layout of the fourth and fifth phases of the southern area of the demonstration zone, revitalize the surrounding stock space, and improve the comprehensive carrying capacity of the park.

Internet celebrities also walked into the Innovation Operation Center of Beijing High level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone, and learned about eight application scenarios, including intelligent connected passenger vehicles, intelligent connected buses, unmanned connections, unmanned distribution, unmanned retail, unmanned cleaning, trunk logistics, and unmanned patrolling. This year, the Operation Center will also complete the 3.0 phase task of building a high-level autonomous driving demonstration area, expand the area to 600 square kilometers, and launch the 4.0 phase task to promote the orderly opening of key application scenarios such as airport, railway station, urban road cleaning.

Online celebrity @ Han Ruqi said that as a blogger who loves science and technology, he is very happy to participate in this event, "Having seen the hydrogen energy products and autonomous new energy vehicles with a full sense of science and technology, and understood the development history and technical performance of the products, I will also collect good materials, create pictures and short videos showing the new quality productivity, present the new atmosphere of coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to fans, and let the big family deeply feel the vigorous development of excellent science and technology enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei."

Source Title: Visiting Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Network Celebrities Tell about New Quality Productivity with Camera

Editor in charge: Li Donghong Author: Luo Qianwen

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