[Research] Economist Li Yiping: China's future economic dividend lies in fully releasing the vitality of private enterprises

2024-02-21 14:01 Beijing News

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Source Title: Economist Li Yiping: China's future economic dividend lies in fully releasing the vitality of private enterprises

We will promote fair competition among enterprises of all types of ownership, unleash the vitality of micro entities, and thus vigorously promote economic growth, employment expansion, and social welfare.

▲ On January 18, Li Yiping, a famous economist, professor and doctoral supervisor of Renmin University of China School of Economics, attended the forum and made a speech. Photo by Ke Rui, a reporter of Beijing News

New Beijing News (reporter Ke Rui) On January 18, 2024, the 2024 New Year Economic Forum, sponsored by the Revitalization International Think Tank, Beijing Political and Private Economic Development Research Center, and the Science and Technology Think Tank Center of the Beijing Academy of Sciences, and co organized by the New Beijing Think Tank, Beijing Heguang Academy Museum, and Beijing Zhiqi Future Consulting Group, was held in Beijing with the theme of "Restructuring the industry - cultivating new momentum for development".

Li Yiping, a famous economist, professor of the School of Economics of Renmin University of China and doctoral supervisor, deeply analyzed the importance of the interaction between macroeconomic policies and microeconomic subjects with the theme of "Macro effects come from micro vitality" in the trend foresight link of the forum, to provide participants with a set of theories to integrate with practice Prospective and instructive economic governance ideas and strategic suggestions.

Li Yiping pointed out that the dividend of China's future economy is to fully liberate the vitality of all private enterprises. The vitality of the real market economy comes from the micro main body, rather than relying on a single macro-control. Good industrial policies help support enterprises to achieve industrial transformation and upgrading and achieve high-quality development.

"There is no original sin in China's private economy, and the argument that there is an original sin in the private economy is totally a misreading." In response to some voices that discredit the private economy in the current public opinion, Li Yiping pointed out that we should clearly distinguish between right and wrong, and fundamentally enable private enterprises to create and develop businesses in a down-to-earth manner and contribute to the cause of socialist construction. The so-called existence of original sin in private enterprises is a false proposition.

Li Yiping discussed how to further deepen reform, relax market access, optimize the business environment, promote fair competition among enterprises of all types of ownership, release the vitality of micro entities, so as to effectively promote economic growth, employment expansion and continuous improvement of social welfare, combining the experience and lessons learned since China's reform and opening up, and the current economic situation at home and abroad.

Source Title: Economist Li Yiping: China's future economic dividend lies in fully releasing the vitality of private enterprises

Editor in charge: Li Donghong Author: Kerui