[Dynamic] Qianlong Think Tank, together with Renmin University, carried out drills of "security risk assessment practice" and "simulated emergency news release"

2023-02-23 13:05 qianlong

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On the afternoon of February 21, the drill activity of "security risk assessment practice and simulated emergency news release" was held in the Public Policy Laboratory of Renmin University of China. The drill content is closely linked to the knowledge system of Public Security Risk Governance, a postgraduate course of emergency management, and is divided into three links, fully combining the typical cases of security risk assessment and emergency news release. Professor Tang Jun, director of the Crisis Management Research Center of Renmin University of China, presided over the event, and more than 40 people, including master and doctoral students in emergency management of the National People's Congress, Qianlong Think Tank, and China Association for Continuing Engineering Education, participated in the drill.

 one Panorama of "security risk assessment actual combat and simulated emergency news release" exercise activities

The first link: actual safety risk assessment

 two Participants of Qianlong Think Tank and emergency management students of the National People's Congress jointly participated in the drill under the guidance of Professor Tang Jun

The "actual combat of safety risk assessment" is divided into three parts: first, feature analysis, second, case practice, and third, application innovation. In the process of dealing with various public opinion events, government departments and grass-roots units have some problems, such as the system needs to be improved, the ability to deal with actual combat needs to be strengthened, and the level of risk assessment needs to be improved. Therefore, the establishment and improvement of public opinion risk assessment mechanism for major activities, policies and projects, and the systematic organization of safety risk assessment practice are effective ways for the Party committee and government to standardize decision-making procedures, improve decision-making quality, and avoid decision-making mistakes, and also an important embodiment of the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity. Zhao Lina, director of the Public Opinion Risk Assessment and Governance Center of Qianlong Think Tank, said that this drill conducted by Qianlong Think Tank in conjunction with the Crisis Management Research Center of Renmin University was a demonstration of the new idea of "public opinion+stable assessment" risk assessment and governance, and also a test of the research results of the public opinion risk assessment and governance of Qianlong Think Tank.

 three Immersive sharing of Qianlong Think Tank staff in the "security risk assessment practice" drill

In the "feature analysis" exercise, Li Zhendong, Deputy Director of the Public Opinion Risk Assessment and Governance Center of Qianlong Think Tank, made a keynote speech on "Public Opinion Inventory - Analysis of Public Opinion Characteristics in 2022", introducing the organizational background of this practical exercise. In 2022, against the background of multiple rebounds of the epidemic, some new features and new signs of network ideological communication emerged. Epidemic related public opinion ran through the whole year. Public opinion appeals were diversified and sustainable, covering many areas of social governance. There were many major emergencies at the national level, which triggered secondary public opinion in some cases, and the response level was uneven. In the era of mobile Internet, public opinion work should strengthen risk prediction, public opinion guidance, big data mining and other work, and effectively play an important role of public opinion guidance in event handling.

 four Li Zhendong, a Qianlong think-tank, made a keynote speech on "Public opinion review - analysis of 2022 public opinion characteristics"

The "case practice" drill involves four areas, namely, "news release risk", "government public opinion disposal", "emergency response" and "security risk assessment". The on-site personnel led the students to carry out the whole process drill through case reduction, problem analysis, on-site simulation, on-site comments, etc.

Li Lele, a Qianlong think-tank, through in-depth analysis of the "rollover" incident in the local press release work, proposed that the press release should avoid excessive publicity and public opinion aversion, and the release content should be subject to multi-level review to avoid secondary public opinion caused by inappropriate language. At the same time, attention should be paid to the online nutrition training of public officials to improve the risk awareness of speakers.

 five Li Lele, a Qianlong think-tank, made a keynote speech on Public Opinion Review - News Release Risk

Zhao Jiajia, a Qianlong think-tank, shared with everyone four typical cases of epidemic related public opinion in 2022. Through the cases, he focused on the concerns of netizens and the role of public opinion supervision in government public opinion, and analyzed the problems exposed by grass-roots staff, such as improper speech, poor handling, abuse of power, and "one size fits all" epidemic prevention.

 six Zhao Jiajia, a Qianlong think-tank, made a keynote speech on "Public Opinion Review - Government Public Opinion Disposal"

By reviewing the major emergencies in recent years, Xu Tianang, a Qianlong think tank, focused on the "Iron Chain Girl" incident, analyzed the change of public opinion situation caused by the incident after four official briefings, analyzed the characteristics of public opinion trend, analyzed the problems exposed in the response process of the official notification, and proposed that public officials should strengthen skill training and simulation drills.

 seven Xu Tianang, a Qianlong think-tank, delivered a keynote speech titled Public Opinion Review - Emergency Response

Zhang Shiliang, a Qianlong think-tank, introduced in detail the research results of integration in the field of public security from the perspective of "public opinion+stability". From July 2021 to June 2022, Qianlong Think Tank, relying on the big data omnimedia public opinion information technology monitoring platform, captured more than 7 million data from 31 provinces and cities across the country. According to the comprehensive indicators such as event severity and social impact, the study of 1000 public security risk events found that the security risks of provinces and cities presented high accident frequency in the east and west, and the level of urban economic development and accident frequency presented an inverted "U" It also points out that there are some industrial supervision problems in some places, such as inadequate supervision, insufficient supervision resources, unclear supervision responsibilities, and weak emergency response.

 eight Zhang Shiliang, a Qianlong think-tank, made a keynote speech on Public Opinion Review - Safety Risk Assessment

In the "application innovation" exercise, Liu Haoyuan, a Qianlong think-tank, made a keynote speech on "big data application and public opinion management in all elements". The Qianlong Think Tank big data omnimedia public opinion information technology monitoring platform collects more than 250 million pieces of data on a daily basis, which can monitor multiple platforms such as news, WeChat official account, microblog, short video, and integrates multiple functions such as semantic analysis, data mining, image recognition, and becomes an important support for research on public opinion and various security risks. Security risk research should strengthen the application of big data, improve the effectiveness of risk early warning, improve the risk rating mechanism, and provide technical support for the construction of an all factor response system before, during, and after the event.

 nine Liu Haoyuan, a Qianlong think-tank, made a keynote speech on Big Data Application and All Element Management of Public Opinion

The second link: risk assessment industry training

Strengthening training is an important measure to improve the ability and quality of stability assessment practitioners and promote the professional development of "stability assessment work". Wang Dongliang, the representative of China Association of Continuing Engineering Education and Guoyin Times (Beijing) Technical Training Center, was specially invited to give an online keynote speech on "the current situation of the industry and career development prospects of social stability risk assessment".

 ten Wang Dongliang, representative of China Association of Continuing Engineering Education and Guoyin Times (Beijing) Technical Training Center, delivered an online keynote speech

Establishing and improving the risk assessment mechanism is an important institutional design for the CPC Central Committee to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity. Promoting its professional development is an important guarantee for improving the ability to prevent and control social risks. Relevant statistics show that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, more than 20 ministries, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have formulated basic risk assessment systems, management evaluation regulations and implementation measures.

In accordance with the spirit of the new round of national professional and technical talent knowledge update project, focusing on key fields, strengthening the training requirements for high-level, urgently needed and backbone professional and technical talents, the China Association for Continuing Engineering Education and the Guoyin Times (Beijing) Technology Training Center, which are in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, At the beginning of 2020, we will organize and implement the "ability improvement training for professional and technical talents in social stability risk assessment". The personnel who pass the assessment will be awarded the training certificate of professional and technical personnel of Social Stability Risk Assessor by the China Association of Continuing Engineering Education, and the certificate will be entered into the "National Continuing Education Public Service Platform Talent Database". Wang Dongliang proposed that the professional development trend of social stability risk assessment is to continuously improve professionalism and systematically master risk management skills. From the long-term goal, the training should establish a layered training system, and set up different levels of training according to different training objects and needs, step by step. At the same time, it is also necessary to establish a classified training system. At the theoretical and practical level, it is necessary to implement classified training in different industries and fields. After systematic, professional, hierarchical and classified training of stability assessment practitioners, they will be more widely used in major policies, projects, events and other public affairs closely related to the people.

The third link: simulated emergency news release

Professor Tang Jun first explained the self-developed safety risk assessment and emergency news release "all stage and all element support system". By strengthening the top-level design, the whole chain work mode was created. The system will cover the whole process before, during and after the event, and become an important hand in the work.

(1) Pre event normal risk assessment: conduct situation research and judgment regularly, assess territorial basic conditions, prepare high-risk risk list and dynamic update mechanism;

(2) Carry out decision support in the event: highlight the bottom line, scale, risk aversion, scheme design, etc;

(3) Improve social evaluation after the event: attach importance to mastering public opinion demands, closely follow public opinion trends and social attitudes, and establish a crisis response learning mechanism;

(4) Build public opinion risk early warning index: give full play to big data technology advantages to carry out public opinion early warning;

(5) Build a regular risk rating mechanism: adhere to the principle of "grading and classification", regularly judge and assess risk categories and levels, achieve different responses to different risks, and promote more targeted and effective news statements.

 eleven Professor Tang Jun explained on the spot the self-developed safety risk assessment and emergency news release "all stage and all element support system"

"Simulated emergency news release" is carried out at two levels. The first is to combine the knowledge system of "actual safety risk assessment" in depth, and conduct simulation drills for the main knowledge points in combination with actual cases. He Xinru, Zhou Hailong and other postgraduate students in 2022 level emergency management actively participated in the exercise of simulated news release of emergencies through role playing. The second is to design the actual combat simulation teaching plan of emergency news release by adapting the recent real hot events, based on the safety risk assessment, and combining the emergency management "two fields+three dimensions" and other models. Tian Wen, a doctoral candidate in emergency management at level 2021, and Huang Weijun, a direct doctoral student in emergency management at level 2022, used their knowledge to carry out simulation release.

 twelve Zhou Hailong, master of emergency management at 2022, participated in the simulated emergency news release

 thirteen Tian Wen, a doctoral candidate in 2021 level emergency management, participated in the simulated emergency news release

 fourteen Huang Weijun, a direct doctoral student in the 2022 level emergency management direction, participated in the simulated emergency news release

At last, Professor Tang Jun made a summary: through this "security risk assessment actual combat" and "simulated emergency news release" activity, I hope that graduate students can systematically grasp the key points of security risk assessment and emergency news release, build a normalized security risk assessment mechanism, establish and improve the necessary organizational system, and run in an efficient cooperative operation mode, Dynamically assess and regularly study and judge the safety risks of the industry or territory, scientifically grasp and use the "timeliness, degree and effectiveness" of the media, play the "combination fist" and "overall battle" of emergency news release, effectively respond to the concerns of the masses and rationally channel social emotions, comprehensively serve the construction of a higher level of safe China, and guarantee the new development pattern with a new security pattern.

 fifteen Group photo of some personnel of "Security Risk Assessment Practice" and "Simulated Emergency News Release"

Editor in charge: Li Donghong