According to Windows Central, the Windows 10X operating system and third-party OEM equipment are no longer expected to come out this year. According to the original plan, the Windows 10X released last year was supposed to meet consumers at the end of this year. However, since the first extension was announced in May this year, Microsoft announced another extension a few days ago.
If you travel back to ancient times, what can't you stand? Presumably, most people will say: "No WiFi!" For modern people, it is unimaginable that they can't quickly transmit information However, many movies and TV plays also tell us that there are many ways to quickly transmit information without WiFi, such as lights.
4 years ago 1,211 ten
When the Shanghai Book Fair was going on, people rushed to buy books and collect books. At the same time, they were also reflecting on and discussing the impact of online reading on us compared with paper reading. Now, the algorithm tries to accurately push the information you are interested in to you. Even though the title routine is old-fashioned, it still works well. The articles we see are increasingly streamlined.
4 years ago nine hundred and seventy-nine six
In 2020, when the Black Swan attacks, the venture capital industry will also suffer a serious impact. It will be more difficult to raise funds, and the investment activity will also decline significantly. The whole industry will be frozen for thousands of miles.
4 years ago nine hundred and sixty-six seven
Coffee is one of the most competitive retail battlefields in the past two years. Starbucks' main position, the freshly ground coffee market, is full of firepower. Three and a half meals of coffee bypassed this market and has made phased progress in the field of instant coffee where Nestle, the giant, is located. In 2019, at the age of 4, three and a half meals of coffee surpassed Nestle, a century old brand, and became the first domestic brand to top Tmall's Double 11 coffee list.
4 years ago seven hundred and one four