#Instructions for using livox simulation dataset v1.0 This dataset contains two folders, which store point cloud data and target detection annotation files respectively: ```plain └── livox_simu_dataset_v1.0 ├── points <--- point cloud data and semantic annotation(10 Hz) | ├── 00000000.txt | ├── 00000001.txt | ├── ... | |── anno <--- labeled data for detection | ├── 00000000.txt | ├── 00000001.txt | ├── ... ``` ##Point cloud data The storage folder is' points', which contains 14445 frame point cloud data and semantic annotation of each point The dimension format of each point in each file: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | - | - | - | - | - | - | |X | y | z | Whether it belongs to a dynamic object | Category number | Lidar number| The category number is as follows: |Category | Tag No. | Description| | - | - | - | |Unknown | 0 | Not marked| |Car | 1 | Car| |Truck | 2 | truck| |Bus | 3 | Bus| |Bicycle | 4 | Bicycle| |Motor | 5 | Motorcycle| |Pedestrian | 6 | Pedestrian| |Dog | 7 | Dog| |Road | 8 | Road| |Ground | 9 | Ground| |Building | 10 | Building| |Fence | 11 | barrier| |Tree | 12 | Trees| |Pole | 13 | pole| |Greenbelt | 14 | green belt| ##Target Dimension Data The storage folder is' anno ', which is a 3D label for all targets in each frame of point cloud. The file name corresponds to the point cloud data file one by one The dimension format of each target: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |Tracking ID | Target Category | x | y | z | length | width | height | yaw| Target categories and statistics: |Category | Description | Total| | - | - | - | |Car | car | 274231| |Truck | truck | 160028| |Bus | Bus | 38459| |Bimo | Bicycle | 82426| |Pedestrian | pedestrian | 274889| |Dog | dog | 58241|