Application permission application and usage description


one In order to ensure the realization of Taobao Alliance product functions and safe and stable operation, we may apply for or use the relevant permissions of the operating system;

2.  In order to protect your right to know, we will show the relevant operating system permissions that the product may apply for and use through the following list, and you can manage the relevant permissions according to actual needs;

3.  According to the upgrade of the product, the type and purpose of the application and use permission may change. We will adjust the list according to these changes in a timely manner to ensure that you know the application and use of permission in a timely manner;

4.  Please be aware that we may also use third-party SDKs for business and product functions and security needs, and these third parties may also apply for or use relevant operating system permissions;

5.  In the process of using the product, you may use H5 pages or applets developed by a third party, and these plug-ins or applets developed by a third party may also apply for or use relevant operating system permissions as necessary for business functions;

6.  The following are jointly applicable to Taobao Alliance products. If there is a single applicable scenario or purpose, it will be described in the following list.


Android operating system application permission list

Permission name

Permission Function Description

Use scenario or purpose


Read phone status

It provides information such as reading mobile device ID, and you can rest assured that this permission cannot monitor and obtain any of your call content and information

Read the device call status and ID code, identify the mobile device ID, and use it for account login, security, etc


Modify system settings

Provide the function of saving equipment identification and other information,

Please rest assured that this permission cannot monitor and obtain your

Any call content and information

Save information such as device identification and identify mobile device ID for security


Use camera permissions

Using the Camera Camera

It is used to help you complete the release of audio and video information, complete the scanning of two-dimensional code and other functions that need to use this permission

Read external memory

It provides the function of reading data in the phone storage space

Allow App to read pictures, files and other contents in the storage, which is mainly used to help you publish information, record crash log information locally (if any) and other functions

Write to external memory

Provide write external storage function

Allow App to write/download/save/modify/delete pictures, files, crash logs and other information

SENSORS  sensor

Access sensor data such as acceleration, gyroscope and magnetic field rotation vector


Shear plate

Access clipboard content

When you share information, receive shared information, or participate in activities, the APP needs to read your clipboard information, so as to realize jump, share, and activity linkage functions or services for you. APP only reads relevant information such as Taobao password, link and product title, and does not store your clipboard information



iOS  Operating system application permission list

plist  Description name in

Corresponding functions

Use scenario or purpose


Using the camera

Use the identification QR code or photo uploading function in scenarios such as contacting customer service and feedback


Read the contents of the album

The photo upload function can be used in scenarios such as picture storage and filing information upload


Add content to an album

Allow App to write/download/save/modify/delete pictures and other information


Use Calendar

Used to set the reminder function


Use contacts

It is convenient for you to send preferential information to your contacts and invite your friends to participate in activities

Shear plate

Access clipboard content

When you share information, receive shared information, or participate in activities, the APP needs to read your clipboard information, so as to realize jump, sharing, and activity linkage functions or services for you. APP only reads relevant information such as Taobao password, link and product title, and does not store your clipboard information


Continuous use of geographical location (applicable to IOS 10 and below)

Used to complete safety assurance


Continuous use of geographical location (applicable to IOS 11 and above)


Obtain the geographical location only when the app is used (applicable to IOS 11 and above)


Allow access to ad identifiers

For effect advertising analysis


Using the microphone

Use your microphone to provide you with voice search products and send voice messages and other functions