Alibaba Integrity System Service Agreement

two thousand and twenty-three year ten month twenty Daily version

Welcome to join us Alibaba (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd (short for We )Sign Alibaba Integrity System Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as This Agreement )。

Please read carefully. For the most important terms, we have Bold To remind you. If you have any questions about the content of this agreement and the prompt information on the page, please suspend the follow-up operation. You can use online customer service or customer telephone( one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Merchant calls four billion eight million one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight , Alibaba International Station merchants call four billion eight million two hundred and sixty-one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Tmall merchants call four billion eight million six hundred and eight thousand six hundred and eight , Taobao merchants call 0571-88157858 )Consultation, so that we can answer and explain for you Please know , once you pass the web page Click or otherwise confirm this agreement , it is deemed that you have Fully understand All the terms of this Agreement, and agree! With us This agreement is concluded in the form of data message


1、 Service agreement

one Service purpose In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users and their related parties, promote our cooperation with / Or e-commerce platforms operated by our affiliates (including one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Platform, Alibaba International Station, Taobao Platform and Tmall Platform“ platform ”)This service is provided for the healthy development of e-commerce and promoting the optimization of the honest business environment in e-commerce and related fields.

two Service introduction. Alibaba Integrity System Services It refers to the services we provide according to the public information of enterprises and the information provided or authorized by enterprises, including( one Enterprise identity authentication That is, to verify whether the enterprise exists effectively and the authenticity of its identity( two Enterprise archives And( three )The integrity evaluation results are as follows: Integrity level Also referred to in this Agreement This service

three confirm / Provide enterprise information. If you apply for services from the platform, the platform can provide the enterprise information provided to the platform or legally collected and retained by the platform in the process of applying for services from the platform, such as Photocopy of business license Enterprise name Contact information( as Contact number and e-mail Legal representative Of full name ID number And so on. In order to facilitate your use of this service, please confirm, provide or supplement according to the prompts on the page information The details are subject to the actual display on the page.

four Authenticity commitment The enterprise information you provide is an important basis for making enterprise identity authentication results. In order to facilitate your smooth use of this service, you should ensure that you provide Authentic enterprise information Accurate and complete It does not violate relevant laws and regulations and public order and good customs. if Enterprise information Please inform us of any changes. If you provide In case of any loss caused to us or a third party due to wrong, false or illegal enterprise information, violation of laws and regulations, or obstruction of public order and good customs, you shall be liable for compensation, and we can suspend or terminate part or all of the functions of this service to you.

five Information authorization of the legal representative. In order to open this service, you need to submit the personal information of the legal representative, including full name and ID number Please ensure that you have obtained Full authorization of legal representative , which can be used for the purpose of this service full name ID number

six Enterprise identity authentication For the security of online transactions, we can verify your identity with government agencies, third-party service providers and other third parties that have your identity information legally according to the enterprise information you provide.

seven Enterprise information authorization In order to provide you with this service, we will collect, use and process your corporate public information, including corporate industrial and commercial registration information and judicial public information. In addition, you agree that we collect, use and process the following information:

one Store information : Your Store address, number of stores, main categories of stores, business status of stores, identity authentication information and records Etc;

two Business information You are in Transaction records, dispute and complaint records, punishment records in the business process and relevant statistical results of the above information on the platform etc.

three )Information provided to us by you on your own initiative, if any.

eight Platform call

one )In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users and their related parties, evaluate and prevent related risks, The platform has the right to call your corporate identity authentication results, corporate archives and integrity levels to us for access assessment, identity authentication, and evaluation of operational activity eligibility conditions of platform related services. The above information we provide is only for Platform reference: the platform makes decisions based on its own judgment, and the platform may also ask you to add additional information before deciding whether to provide you with corresponding services, If you have questions about this, you can communicate with the platform.

two )According to the agreements or rules of each platform, in order to facilitate the transaction, your enterprise file and credit rating can be displayed on the platform for users to view. For example, if you are in the one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight The platform operates stores, one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Platform users can access one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Check your integrity level on the platform. The information and method of presentation may vary from platform to platform, and the details shall be subject to the actual presentation of each platform

three Please pay attention to your relationship with us and / Or the platform of an affiliated company, which may be incorporated into this agreement so that you can open related services.

nine Service website

one )You can log in to the website of this service (website: or , also referred to as“ This website )After that, you can view your own integrity level and enterprise files.

two )Users can view your enterprise archives through this website. Specifically, if users do not log on to this website, they can only view the "public information archives" in your enterprise archives, including enterprise name, business status, validity period, registered address, unified social credit code, date of establishment, registered capital, business scope, shareholders, enterprise change information, etc, If a user logs on to the website, in addition to the aforementioned "public information file", he or she can also view your integrity level and business integrity file, which includes relevant business information on each platform, such as the total number of stores you operate on each platform one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight The platform will also display the opening years of Chengxintong one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight The cumulative number of transactions on the platform, the number of buyers, the repeated purchase rate of buyers, and the on-site certification records of merchants (if any).

three )You and users log in to the service The content of enterprise archives viewed on the website shall be subject to the actual display of the website.

ten Message notification In operation, we may This service website and Contact information provided or authorized by you in the process of using the service (such as contact phone, contact email) , send you one or more types of notifications, such as service notifications, authentication, security authentication, user experience research, etc.

eleven Information sharing related to legal obligations In order to perform legal duties or obligations, we may share your enterprise information according to laws and regulations, litigation, dispute resolution, or the requirements of administrative and judicial authorities, as well as other legal obligations.

twelve Scope of Services At present, this service only supports the People's Republic of China (for the avoidance of doubt, only for the purpose of this agreement, excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Enterprises legally registered and validly existing in China (including individual businesses).

thirteen Accuracy and iteration We will take technical measures to try our best to improve the accuracy of enterprise identity authentication, enterprise archives and credit rating evaluation. At the same time, we will continue to improve our service ability according to the needs of the market environment and technological progress, to provide you with better services. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, the new product functions and iterations in the future under this service are also applicable to this agreement.

fourteen Delegated processing We may entrust an authorized partner (such as a third-party technical service provider) to process your information, so as to authorize the partner to provide some services or perform functions on behalf of us. We will only entrust it to process your information for the legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purpose of this agreement, and the authorized partner can only access the information necessary for its performance of duties, and we will require it not to use your information for any other purpose beyond the scope of entrustment. If the authorized partner intends to use your information for purposes not entrusted by us, it will process your information with your consent, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations.

fifteen Compliance with the Agreement. You should use the service according to the agreement and the page prompts. If you violate this agreement and cause losses or claims to a third party, you should bear the responsibility independently; If we suffer losses as a result, you should be responsible for compensation.


2、 Information security

one We promise to make the information security protection reach a reasonable security level. To ensure your information security, we are committed to using various security technologies and supporting management systems to prevent your information from being leaked, damaged or lost.

two In order to maintain information security and create a good network environment, you agree to abide by the following agreements:

one   We will not crack our systems and programs by means of reverse engineering, nor copy, modify, compile, integrate or tamper with the above systems and programs (including but not limited to source programs, target programs, technical documents, client server data, server data), nor modify or increase or decrease the functions of our systems.

two )You shall not use the Service or obtain data related to the Service by yourself or allow a third party to use the Service through machines, scripts, crawlers or other automated methods.


3、 Termination

We will continue to work hard to provide you with better services. Please understand that under the following circumstances, we can suspend the provision of some or all services to you until the termination of this agreement:

one )You violate laws and regulations, this agreement or the agreement between you and the platform;

two )Your platform account is partially or completely cancelled;

three )Use this service in the name of others or misappropriate others' accounts;

four )You use this service for illegal purposes or use this service to engage in acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

five )According to the provisions of laws, regulations and policies or the requirements of regulators, the services we provide no longer meet the relevant laws, regulations or regulatory requirements; or

six )We no longer provide services to you due to the need for risk control or business adjustment.


4、 Special agreement

one   Please understand and agree that we will not be liable for breach of contract or compensation if we are unable to provide services normally due to the following reasons, However, it will make reasonable efforts to actively promote the service to return to normal:

one )Force majeure reasons such as typhoon, earthquake, flood, lightning or terrorist attacks;

two )Your equipment hardware and software, communication lines, and power supply lines are faulty;

three )Use this service due to your improper operation or by means not authorized or recognized by us;

four )Public service factors or third party factors such as communication failure, power failure or government behavior;

five )Due to system downtime maintenance or upgrade, virus, trojan, malicious program attack, network congestion, system instability, system or equipment failure and other reasons.

two During the validity period of this agreement, if we fail to provide the agreed services due to the laws, regulations, rules, regulations, guidelines, notices, policies, and other normative documents issued or changed by the relevant national authorities, such circumstances shall not be deemed as breach of contract We can change the content of the agreement, suspend or terminate this agreement in advance according to the relevant provisions, but we will make reasonable efforts to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

three , if any System error, failure or other reasons Triggered Presentation error Etc, You agree with us Either by itself or through a third party Take appropriate corrective measures such as error correction and service suspension


5、 Assignment of Agreement

After this agreement comes into effect, you shall not transfer any of your rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party without consensus with us. In order to maintain the continuity of this service, we can transfer all or part of the rights and corresponding obligations under this agreement to our affiliated companies without obtaining your consent, provided that your use of this service will not be adversely affected At that time, we will pass the This service website or platform website Publish an announcement, send you a client message, email, SMS and other means to notify you. The above transfer will take effect from the effective date specified in the notice


6、 Agreement Update

In order to further improve the user experience, we will continue to update the service, provide version upgrade, function upgrade, rule upgrade and other service updates, and this agreement may also be updated. At that time, we will update the service by Website or platform website Publish an announcement, send you a client message, email, SMS and other ways to notify you, and the updated content will take effect from the effective date specified in the notice If you do not agree with the updated terms, you have the right to stop using the relevant services


7、 Application of law and dispute settlement

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China If you have a dispute with us over the signing, performance or interpretation of this agreement, both parties should try to settle it through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party can The people's court with jurisdiction in the defendant's domicile Litigation. During the dispute settlement period, the provisions of this agreement that are not involved in the dispute shall continue to be observed.


8、 Definition

one one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Platform: finger Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. for inter enterprise trade  (B-TO-B) Online information publishing and trading platform, including one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight Website (the domain name involved is , the same below) and client( E.g. mobile phone APP etc. )。

two Alibaba International Station finger Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co., Ltd. and / Or its affiliated companies for inter enterprise trade  (B-TO-B) Online information publishing and trading platform, including Alibaba International Station website (the domain name involved is Or modify from time to time according to business needs, including computer or mobile device Internet URL )And client( E.g. mobile phone APP etc. )。

three Taobao platform Refers to the e-commerce platform website (website: Or Taobao may modify from time to time according to business needs, including computer or mobile device Internet URL And clients (such as mobile phones) APP Etc.). Taobao refers to Zhejiang Taobao Network Co., Ltd. and Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd.

four Tmall platform : Refers to the e-commerce platform website where Tmall provides Internet information services and related software and technical support (website: Or Tmall may modify from time to time according to business needs, including computer or mobile device Internet URL And clients (such as mobile phones) APP Etc.). Tmall refers to Zhejiang Tmall Network Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Tmall Technology Co., Ltd.