•  September 25 Abstract of Foreign Media Science Website: Monkeys Can Predict the American Election

    On September 25 (Wednesday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign scientific websites were as follows: the website of Nature (www.nature. com) showed signs of aging after one month in space, and the "beating" pattern of artificial heart tissue became irregular after only one month in space, and its molecules and genes showed changes similar to aging [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-25 14:43:13

  •  New research finds that there may be a large number of rare earth elements in extinct volcanic magma

    On September 25, it was reported that a research report published on Tuesday showed that a mysterious magma in extinct volcanoes around the world may contain a large amount of rare earth elements. These elements are critical to clean technologies such as electric vehicles and wind turbines. Rare earth elements, such as lanthanum, neodymium and terbium, are not really rare, but their extraction is often difficult because they usually exist in low concentrations [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-25 14:29:49

  •  NASA's fear: 10 years ago, Boeing was almost the only company selected for commercial manned flight

    On September 25, it was reported that, for safety reasons, the "interstellar airliner" developed by Boeing Company had recently returned to the earth without human beings, while the two astronauts on board were still staying at the International Space Station. Fortunately, SpaceX's manned dragon spacecraft has already been put into regular operation. This situation reminds us that NASA almost chose Bo in the bidding process of commercial manned space program [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-25 14:28:34

  •  Director of FAA: SpaceX needs to be operated at the "highest security level"

    On September 25, it was reported that on Tuesday local time, Mike Whitaker, director of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), said that SpaceX, a company owned by Elon Musk, must operate at the "highest security level". Whitaker also recently proposed for FAA to treat SpaceX twice [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-25 14:25:04

  •  Abstract of the website of Foreign Media Science on September 24: Scientists succeed in the laboratory

    On September 24 (Tuesday), it was reported that the main contents of the well-known foreign science websites were as follows: Scientists on the website of Nature (www.nature. com) succeeded in "nuclear explosion planet" in laboratory simulation. According to an experimental result, the X-ray explosion generated by nuclear explosion may be enough to save the earth from the impact of an incoming asteroid. This is the first time this kind of [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-24 15:50:19

  •  Abstract from the website of Foreign Media Science on September 23: Plants may have "wisdom"

    On September 23 (Monday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign science websites were as follows: Can AI models of Nature website (www.nature. com) generate more original ideas than humans? A study released this month by the preprint website arXiv shows that a creative generator driven by artificial intelligence (AI) is better than 50 independent workers [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-23 12:47:51

  •  September 20 Abstract of the website of Foreign Media Science: More than 3600 species found in human body

    On September 20 (Friday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign science websites were as follows: Nature website (www.nature. com), a new mechanism leading to metabolic disorder: mucus in the brain and obesity. A study on mice by the University of Melbourne in Australia showed that a viscous substance in the brain would trap neurons that control appetite [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-20 12:22:28

  •  India allocated 2.7 billion US dollars to develop recoverable rockets and space station core modules,

    On September 20, it was reported that on Wednesday, the Indian government approved a new budget with a total investment of about 2.7 billion dollars to promote the development of its space projects. The funds will be used to develop new reusable rockets, build the core module of the future space station, and support the lunar sample return mission and the Venus exploration mission. Narendra Mo, Prime Minister of India [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-20 12:19:17

  •  SpaceX "strongly opposes" FAA charges and fines: we have not violated

    On September 20, Elon Musk's SpaceX company said on Thursday local time that it was "strongly opposed" to the conclusion of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that SpaceX did not comply with the regulations. The FAA this Tuesday accused SpaceX of [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-20 12:15:57

  •  Dutch scientist: Musk satellite network "obstructs" observation of the universe

    On September 20, Dutch researchers pointed out that radio waves from Elon Musk's space satellite network "Star Chain" are interfering with scientists' ability to observe the universe. Researchers from the Dutch Radio Astronomy Institute (ASTRON [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-20 12:05:38

  •  September 19 Abstract of Foreign Media Science website: Made of silk and graphene

    On September 19 (Thursday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign science websites were as follows: physicists on the website of Nature (www.nature. com) observed the quantum entanglement between quarks for the first time. Scientists observed the quantum entanglement between quarks for the first time. This breakthrough was completed at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland, which may be [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-19 14:56:49

  •  NASA scientists solve the mystery of Mars "spider": from dry ice rise

    On September 19, it was reported that scientists have now understood how the "spider terrain" in the Martian crust may have formed. NASA has reproduced the formation process of these structures in the laboratory. In 2003, when scientists first studied images from a Mars orbiter, they found that [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-19 11:29:45

  •  September 18 Abstract of the website of Foreign Media Science: How to discover the large size of hydrogen atom

    On September 18 (Wednesday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign scientific websites were as follows: Where did the virus come from on the website of Nature (www.nature. com)? AlphaFold and other AI are looking for answers Artificial intelligence (AI) is helping to redraw the genealogy of viruses. Through AlphaFold and the chat robot [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-18 15:22:09

  •  September 14 Foreign Media Science website abstract: Why people are under pressure

    On September 14 (Saturday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign science websites were as follows: Why did the website of Nature (www.nature. com) collapse under pressure? Scientists have given the answer to the situation of high risk and high return. Many people behave abnormally at critical moments, which is not just a special case of human beings. Through experiments on monkeys, science [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-14 12:39:34

  •  Last year's 200 meter tsunami in Greenland shook the earth for nine days

    On September 14, a researcher revealed that the mysterious earthquake event that lasted for nine days last year was caused by a landslide caused by melting glaciers in Greenland Fjord, which eventually led to a tsunami. According to a recent report published in the journal Science, the earthquake recorded in September 2023 originated from Dixon Fjord in the remote east of Greenland [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-14 12:34:24

  •  September 13 Abstract of Foreign Media Science website: Scientists cracked the battery recession

    On September 13 (Friday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign science websites were as follows: Science website (www.science. org). Chinese scientists found that the super El Nino had led to the extinction of the Earth. About 250 million years ago, more than 80% of marine species and two-thirds of land species died out in the mass extinction at the end of the Permian period [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-13 14:51:06

  •  FAA: SpaceX will not be able to fly again until late November

    On September 13, it was reported that the launch of SpaceX's starship still needed some time. In June this year, SpaceX's starship, the largest and most powerful rocket ever built by humans, conducted its fourth flight test. Since then, SpaceX has been preparing for its fifth flight test. But according to the United States federal [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-13 08:07:06

  •  September 12 Foreign Media Science Website Abstract: How the Brain Transforms Feelings

    On September 12 (Thursday), it was reported that the main contents of well-known foreign science websites are as follows: Science website (www.science. org) 1. Cattle grazing will not pose a major threat to wildlife in the reserve. Masai Mara National Reserve (MMNR) in Kenya is home to some of the most representative wildlife on the earth. From July to October every year [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-12 12:27:18

  •  Does it blame the approval for the delay of the starship test flight? US regulators respond to accusations: we eight

    On September 12, it was reported that SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, was the rocket company with the largest number of launches in the world. The US aviation safety regulatory authority is stepping up the processing of SpaceX safety review and launch permit applications. Daniel Murray, Executive Director of the Commercial Space Transportation Office of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-12 07:50:07

  •  Abstract of Foreign Media Science website on September 11: New materials are expected to make storage faster

    On September 11 (Wednesday), it was reported that the main contents of foreign well-known scientific websites were as follows: Nature website (www.nature. com) 1. Scientists warned that fur animal breeding might lead to the next pandemic. Researchers called for strengthening biosafety measures for fur animal farms to prevent dangerous pathogens from spreading from animals to humans. Australia University [Read more]

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    Netease Technology Report 2024-09-11 12:23:07

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