Mask Exposed to Taking Drugs with Google Founder's Ex Wife

Mask Exposed to Taking Drugs with Google Founder's Ex Wife
09:15, May 23, 2024 Sina Technology

[# Musk is exposed to taking drugs with Google's founder's ex-wife #] According to Phoenix Technology, in 2022, it was reported that Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, got involved in the marriage of Sergey Brin, a friend and Google's co-founder, which led to Brin's divorce from his wife, Nicole Shanahan. Now, the New York Times has released some exciting news and reported more details about the relationship between Musk and Shanahan. The New York Times quoted several sources as saying that Shanahan smoked ketamine (commonly known as "K powder") with Musk at a private party in 2021. Later, she told her then husband Brin that she had sex with Musk. At present, Shanahan is the vice presidential running partner of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent candidate of the US presidential campaign@ Phoenix Network Technology

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