Tianya was closed because it leaked a set of secrets for many days... [Download Tianya God Posts Collection]

 Tianya was closed because it leaked a set of secrets for many days... [Download Tianya God Posts Collection]

Tianya God Posts Collection Download Some people are young and ambitious, and some people don't realize it all their life, which is the difference of cognition! The reason why Tianya Forum was closed is that it leaked too many secrets! The people who were able to access the Internet in the early years were not ordinary people. Some of them came from the capital compound, and some of them were high intellectuals. At this time, Tianya was full of experts, and various thoughts collided, which made many god stickers come into being. The decline of Tianya means the regression of free thought! Legalists lock the throat and Confucians pinch the ribs. Someone must come out to teach the scriptures! Such content will become less and less, and the latecomers can only find some pieces of true knowledge in the vast ocean of information. Tianya Forum once gathered social elites from all walks of life

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Remember the "monitoring gate" event, in which employees' behavior was almost completely naked? For each "migrant worker", if the websites visited, the frequency of visits, the chat keywords, the number of resumes delivered, etc. during work are linked to the employee's name, position, etc. and can be checked, and all online records (including but not limited to chatting, listening to music, shopping, watching videos, etc.) are almost "naked", usually under the supervision of others, What kind of experience would that be? Recently, a netizen reported on social media that he had encountered a similar situation: he submitted his resume to the recruitment software during working hours, and was later interviewed by the leader and dismissed. This

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