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Experts and scholars gathered at the joint meeting of Shenzhen Virtual University Park to exchange ideas and explore a new model of city university cooperation

Source: Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Release time: 2023-11-20 A- A+ Vision protection color:

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On November 14, the 2023 Shenzhen Virtual University Park Joint Conference (hereinafter referred to as "Joint Conference") with the theme of "Huizhi Bay Area, Integration and Innovation" was held in Shenzhen Silver Lake Convention Center. The joint meeting closely followed the theme of the 25th China International High tech Fair "Stimulating innovation vitality and improving development quality", and invited guests from colleges and universities, experts and scholars from all walks of life, and representatives of Shenzhen's functional departments to carry out discussions and exchanges around the exploration of new models of city school cooperation, further deepening the coordinated high-quality development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Make suggestions for the development of scientific and technological innovation in Shenzhen.

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Chen Qing, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Xia Qifeng, a second level inspector of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Zheng Xiuyu, Secretary of the Education Working Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Shenzhen Education Bureau, Zhang Lin, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Deng Xiaojun, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Lou Yanfeng, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Li Zhidong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Futian District Committee, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the District People's Government and deputy head of the District, and relevant principals of the member colleges and universities of Shenzhen Virtual University Park and representatives of well-known enterprises attended the event.

At the beginning of the meeting, Comrade Zhang Lin delivered a welcoming speech, expressing a warm welcome to all the guests present. He said that Shenzhen insisted on taking innovation as the core driving force of high-quality urban development, insisted on increasing investment in basic research, promoted the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and talent chain, and built an innovative city in an all-round way. Shenzhen Virtual University Park is an important measure for Shenzhen to implement the strategy of strengthening the country through science and technology and build a technological innovation system. It has made outstanding contributions to Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation, talent training, Shenzhen Hong Kong cooperation, international exchanges and other aspects. The Municipal Science and Technology Innovation Commission will continue to support Shenzhen Virtual University Park to play its role as an innovation platform for integration of industry, university and research, introduce world-class disciplines, talents and scientific research achievements from global universities, and accelerate the construction of an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence. The 25th China Hi tech Fair and the 2023 Xili Lake Forum are about to open. Welcome guests to enter the exhibition hall, enter Qianhai, Guangming and feel the beauty of Shenzhen's science and technology.

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Xia Qifeng said that the Provincial Science and Technology Department attaches great importance to the construction of university science and technology parks. At present, the province has initially formed a benign development pattern with the national university science and technology parks as the model and the "provincial national" echelon cultivation. Shenzhen Virtual University Park is the only national university science and technology park in Shenzhen. It will continue to play its role as a strategic fulcrum and network hub to promote the two-way flow of innovation resources between Shenzhen and even the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area and the world. The Provincial Department of Science and Technology will further implement the "University Science Park Innovation and Development Action" and continue to support the development of Shenzhen Virtual University Park and its member units in terms of policies, environment, services, etc.

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The joint meeting held the signing ceremony for Lingnan University and Hong Kong Metropolitan University to settle in Shenzhen Virtual University Park, the launch ceremony of Shenzhen Entrepreneurship Story (overseas version) and the award ceremony for the 10th anniversary of service. The conference also held the award ceremony of the 15th Shenzhen Hong Kong Macao University Preliminary Competition of Shenzhen Innovation Competition and the 5th Shenzhen Virtual University Park Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. A total of 20 projects won the first, second and third prizes of the team group and enterprise group of the preliminary competition, including 2 first prizes, 6 second prizes and 12 third prizes.

Lin Shangli, President of Renmin University of China, Shen Zuojun, Vice President of the University of Hong Kong, and Yang Mengsu, Vice President of the City University of Hong Kong, who attended the meeting, delivered keynote speeches, discussing the ideas and prospects of promoting the deepening of Shenzhen Hong Kong collaborative innovation, and combining advantageous science and education resources with Shenzhen's economic development.

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Lou Yanfeng summarized the achievements of Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation and development and the achievements of Shenzhen Virtual University Park at the meeting. He pointed out that Shenzhen is the gathering place of six national strategies, and scientific and technological innovation presents three characteristics: "enterprises are the largest innovation subject, innovation results are remarkable, and development potential is full". Shenzhen Virtual University Park is a micro ecology of Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation system. In 2023, Shenzhen Virtual University Park will make new achievements in ten aspects, including city school cooperation, scientific research and talent cultivation. In the future, Shenzhen Virtual University Park will implement four major strategic actions as a whole, give full play to the role of resource enrichment and network hub, promote the two-way flow of Shenzhen and global innovation resources, and help Shenzhen build a globally influential industrial science and technology innovation center.

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In the afternoon of the same day, the distinguished delegation of member colleges and universities of Shenzhen Virtual University Park investigated the Hetao Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone on the spot, visited cutting-edge science and technology institutions, deeply understood the overall plan of the cooperation zone, Shenzhen Hong Kong "joint policy package" and the achievements of science and technology innovation cooperation, and listened to the story of innovative and entrepreneurial talents pursuing science and technology dreams. Participants said that they would further study the introduction of advantageous scientific and technological innovation resources from universities to the Hetao Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone to help it build a world-class scientific research hub.

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Since its establishment 24 years ago, Shenzhen Virtual University Park has continuously promoted and led the integrated development of domestic and foreign first-class universities and Shenzhen's scientific and technological innovation. It has gathered 70 well-known universities at home and abroad, including Tsinghua University, the University of Hong Kong, Georgia Institute of Technology, etc., including 11 QS top 100 universities, 30 985 universities, 46 "double first-class" universities, 8 Hong Kong universities, and 8 foreign universities.

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