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ts-loader doesn't recognize typescript syntax

What I have: webpack.config.js: located in the root of project //@ts-check const path = require('path'); const webpack = require('webpack'); // module.exports = { /** * @type {import('webpack')....
 Александр's user avatar
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twenty-two views

You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type when npm run build

I npm run build in my VueJS project and get this error. I don't know what it is, I did try some searchings and downgrading the Firebase version but not working I keep receiving this error message when ...
 sieusaopolo15's user avatar
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twenty-one views

Ejected create-react-app and v5 webpack migration - onBeforeSetupMiddleware and onAfterSetupMiddleware

I maintain a project for my job that was built using create-react-app. We have strict compliance standards for removing issues, which led to us ejecting said project a while back. An issue on webpack-...
 Josh's user avatar
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twelve views

splitting js code base into multiple folders inside assets folder with webpack-encore symfony bundler

I am working on a full stack symfony (v7) project in which i'm using Webpack-encore bundle to bundle and compile different assets the config in bootstrap.js says the following: import { ...
 tsukingo's user avatar
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seven views

Ripple CI: Can't resolve 'style-loader' in '/tmp/scope-fs'

I am trying to run Ripple CI with my custom webpack transformer for preview mode. Ripple CI logs (9/11) env: bitdev.general/envs/ [email protected] , task "teambit.preview/preview:...
 Michal Dovrtěl's user avatar
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twenty-nine views

Using images in HTML with webpack 5

I'm trying to use img in HTML tag: <img src="./img/author.jpg" alt="The photo of the author" /> with webpack configurated like this: { test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|svg)$/, type:...
 user26935357's user avatar
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five views

SB_BUILDER-WEBPACK5_003 error when building Storybook with React-webpack5

Storybook Version: 7.6.20 with react-webpack5. Storybook main.ts file: { framework: { name: "@storybook/react-webpack5" } }, core: { builder: "webpack5" } When ...
 Syden's user avatar
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thirty views

Storybook with Next.js and Webpack 5 cannot resolve various node modules

I'm trying to create a Storybook project with Next.js and webpack 5. I have a few decorators in my preview.tsx: import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react"; import React from "react&...
 Ethan's user avatar
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fourteen views

Config webpack to use scss module in ReactJS

// src/Button.js import React from "react"; import styles from "./ Button.module.scss"; // Import SCSS module const Button = () => { console.log("styles", styles); ...
 Tuan Huynh's user avatar
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twenty-three views

Micro front-end using webpack and module federation. Loading remote React app in Angular shell

Micro front-end using webpack and module federation. Problem statement. I have two web apps, One is an angular app which is the shell(host in this case) app. Second is a newly created react app(...
 vivek's user avatar
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thirty-five views

How to configure webpack.config.ts @angular-builders/custom-webpack Angular 18

I am using an Angular 18 project and @angular-builders/ custom-webpack@18 for the custom Webpack configuration. The issue I am facing is that I am developing a web component that uses an image, and I ...
 Logesh B's user avatar
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eighteen views

Someone know how to solve this error. I can't do it [closed]

Starting the development server... C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\Fullmindtech\APP CAMARAS\frontcountcars\node_modules\react-scripts\scripts\start.js:19 throw err; ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of ...
 Lucas Palacios's user avatar
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eleven views

i need to fix my nextjs webpack compiler error

nextjs webpack error - ./app/globals.css.webpack[javascript/auto]!=!./ node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/index.js??ruleSet[1].rules[13].oneOf[12].use[2]!./ node_modules/next/...
 Valentine Hunter's user avatar
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fifteen views

How to build project as is but minify every HTML, CSS and JS files

I have this project structure: I need to build my project (red rectangle on image except .gitignore) as is keeping folder structure and all file names but I want to only HTML, CSS and JS files be ...
 EzioMercer's user avatar
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sixteen views

How to extract angular component from a federated module using only SystemJS

I am trying to expose components from a angular microfrontend using webpack module federation, below is how I am doing with webpack const ModuleFederationPlugin = require("webpack/lib/container/...
 Abhishek Prakash's user avatar
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