Official announcement: Tencent Weibo officially stops operation!

Tencent Weibo issued an official announcement on September 5 that it will stop service and operation at 23:59 on September 29, 2020, and will be unable to log in at that time.


As early as 2014, the World Finance reported that Tencent insiders said that Tencent's microblog business unit had been revoked. Tencent Weibo will no longer do new functions, but only maintain basic operations.

Tencent Weibo was once expected to be an "important social media platform" within Tencent. At Tencent's recent annual meeting, Weibo was called "an important business, but it should give way to WeChat." Three years later, although it never caught up with competitors, the mission of this card slot product has finally come to an end.

As for Tencent giving up its strategy to give up microblogging, there have been rumors in the Internet circle for a long time. The outside is far behind Sina microblogging, and it faces competition from many products inside. Strategic failure has become inevitable.

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