Is Hangzhou Sleeping Beauty project agent making money now? Hangzhou Sleeping Beauty Agency should do this

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1 Share your circle of friends and let them know what you are doing?

2. Layout the whole network, whole network marketing, full screen dominance, and whole network layout of their own project information, so that others can search your information through search engines, leave your name and mobile phone number under the copywriting, and one website sends 10 leading soft articles a day, which is 300 in a month. What about 10 websites? 3000 project articles are distributed throughout the Internet. Users who want to know about this project will be able to search you at the first time.

Are you afraid that you can't make money in any project as long as there is traffic? In addition, you can register a WeChat public account, and all Internet users will be redirected to the public account. The public account can publish 8 soft articles every day, and the public account can put its own contact information on the marketing layout.

4 With so many We Media writers making headlines today, you can take the initiative to discuss cooperation with them, let them help you release short videos, channel them to personal WeChat, and then share profits. Academician Zhong Nanshan explains the importance of sleep

Zhong Nanshan said that one third of people spend their time sleeping. They sleep well. The whole person is in good spirits. Upward and sunny, insomnia accounts for about 38% of Chinese adults. You have something on your mind. You are very unhappy. If you can't sleep for a long time, you must be ill. To solve your sleep problems, sometimes you have to solve your psychological problems, and some other problems are to solve other problems, so don't underestimate sleep disorders. It is very important for children, old people and many people.

Business tycoon Zhang Qi talks about the economy of sleep

Solving sleep is a better business in the future. What is the average age of the seventh census? It's 37 years old! The 37 year old middle-aged people just don't want to sleep at night and can't get up in the morning, so sufficient sleep can give you better energy, more energy, and very clear thinking. So sleep is very important. However, I suggest you how to sleep and make a solution. Our company is to make a sleep solution. It is to apply Sleeping Beauty cold compress gel when sleeping, help you fall asleep within two hours, let you fall asleep as soon as possible, improve the duration of deep sleep, and provide you with a solution through your sleep duration with monitoring equipment.

One side is to create solutions, the other side is to produce content.

The company's mission vision and founder

At present, we are a domestic company that proposes an overall solution for sleep health. Based on scientific assessment, determine the causes of sleep disorders; Put forward the concept of "one sleep and two connections" by means of precise intervention; Develop personalized solutions based on the principle of combining recuperation. Online, through the applet system, customers are targeted, and offline, through central stores, community stores, cooperative stores, etc., a service system is established to provide customers with accurate and professional sleep health management solutions.

Our strategic partner Hilton Huanpeng Hotel

Hilton Huanpeng is an international chain brand under Hilton Global Group. Founded in 1984, Hilton Huanpeng is one of the most numerous and successful business hotel chain brands in the world. With the core values of the brand hotel of "friendliness, reliability, care and comprehensiveness", Hilton Huanpeng is committed to becoming a friend and partner of guests on their journey, Even in the busy journey, you can enjoy the happy time of friends gathering. Hilton Huanpeng Hotel has rapidly expanded its business, with more than 2300 hotels in 21 countries (including the United States, Canada, Russia and Germany).

Myth Group, our strategic partner

Since its establishment in 2013, Hong Kong Huanyu Mythical Embroidery Education Technology Co., Ltd. has been adhering to the purpose of win-win cooperation, taking altruism as the soul, great love as the soul, and filial piety spirit and culture as the leadership. Since its development, the company has been committed to building a Chinese beauty platform company integrating safety, health and interests, and actively creating a community of shared future for the beauty industry.

Myth takes the three core sectors as the driving force for development, and takes education talent output, resource integration and sharing, innovation and research and development. Seamless connection with the wealth channel of the American industry operators, so that the American industry people can connect with the safe green resources certified by the myth without risk.

Our R&D team and professional training

Our R&D team transforms scientific research achievements into competitive products according to market demand. As the chief scientist of Sleeper Beauty, Dr. Tang Bin was once interviewed by leaders in person. It is because of them that our products can continue to innovate iteratively in R&D technology, which provides guarantee for the development of our full range of products. Academician Yin Yulong won the title of Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2013, and is the leader of core technology research and development of team products. Dr. Xu Jiahui, coming from Zhejiang Run Run Shaw Hospital, is the chief physician of the Department of Neurology and Sleep, responsible for the company's professional knowledge training. At the same time, many customers with stubborn insomnia will also be recuperated by Dr. Xu himself.

Our product qualification certificate and patent

The company's products have invention patents, trademarks, approvals, Class I medical device numbers, Class II medical device numbers, health brand names, makeup brand names, etc. Sleeping Beauty products are insured by Pacific Insurance Company to provide security for products. The letter of authorization for joint promotion of film and television stars and film and television companies, the letter of authorization for joint branding of Sinopharm Health brand, and the strategic cooperation of JD Health are all brand empowerment given by the company headquarters to agents. Sinopharm Health and JD Health are both brands in the health field.

Our instrument monitoring is scientific and accurate

The company's instrument provides a complete set of systems such as the store system template, through sleep monitoring, health detection, accurate assessment and solutions. This instrument is developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and its accuracy rate is up to 99.84%. It can not only see the sleep data and various chronic diseases of the body, but also give early warning 15 days in advance for symptoms such as myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and stroke, This is the JD Health Tester, which can monitor the seven major systems and nutritional status of the body through face-to-face and tongue examinations for 2 minutes. This is our sleep chamber, which can not only help us sleep, but also improve our physical condition. These two instruments are our cell energy meters. By irradiating for 15 minutes, which is equivalent to 3 hours of exercise, we can achieve a deep discharge of cold and dampness and improve the metabolic rate of the body.

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The partner of Hangzhou Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Agglomeration Project is open and in progress
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