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How to make money selling group coupons for businesses in Diaoyin? Live broadcast coupon training class

Want to learn live ticketing, want to sign up for live ticketing courses, add WeChat: czbw88, we are the top 7 institutions in the S4 level of Diaoyin Life Service, and the top 10 institutions in the score of Diaoyin Life Service We launched a four-day, three responsibility, and four day, three night offline live ticketing course, with a company scale of 600 employees, a 180 million fan matrix of all network talent anchors, and 68000 square meters of space in Linping, Hangzhou.

How to help businesses sell group purchase coupons to make money

1. Understand the dithering platform

If you want to help businesses sell group coupons to make money in Ditto, you need to have a certain understanding of the Ditto platform. Dithering is a social media platform based on short videos. It has a large user group and is especially popular with young people. Merchants can use the advertising function of Tiaoyin to show the information of group purchase coupons to potential consumers.

2. Making attractive short videos

In dithering, short video is an important way to attract users' attention. Businesses can create creative, interesting and attractive short videos to promote group buying coupons. Video content can include product introduction, display of use scenarios, user experience sharing, etc. Attract users' attention and stimulate their interest in buying group coupons through carefully produced short videos.

3. Select a suitable twitter account for cooperation

Cooperating with influential Douyin accounts can help businesses to better promote group buying vouchers. Businesses can choose to cooperate with accounts related to their own industry, so that they can more accurately reach potential consumers. The way of cooperation can be to display the information of group coupons in the account's short video, or to pass the information of group coupons to more users through the recommendation of the account.

4. Cooperate with the talent of dithering

Dithering talent is a user with a large number of fans and influence. Cooperation with dithering talent can help businesses to better promote group purchase coupons. Merchants can reach a cooperation agreement with the talent of Tiao Yin, ask them to recommend group buying coupons in their short videos, or cooperate with merchants to hold some interesting activities to attract users to participate in and buy group buying coupons.

5. Use the dithering live broadcast function

The live broadcasting function of dithering is a very effective promotion tool. Merchants can use the live broadcast of dithering to show the details, usage and preferential information of group purchase coupons. During the live broadcast, you can interact with the audience, answer their questions, and increase the user's sense of trust and purchase desire. Through live broadcast, merchants can interact with potential consumers in real time to improve the sales effect of group purchase coupons.

6. Offer discounts and rewards

In order to attract more users to buy group coupons, businesses can provide some discounts and incentives. For example, merchants can set discount prices, give gifts

Original article, written by: Wu Xiangchuang, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
How can we make money selling group coupons? Enrollment of live broadcast coupon training class
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