Can ordinary people still do the movie and television number that attracts money on the sound of dithering? How to do it?

The iron law of the Internet: "Where there are users, we are marketing."

Ditto has more than 400 million active users every day. The data is still growing steadily, and there is no bottleneck in traffic for the time being;

Luo Jisizhi and Luo Pang once said, "All the competition in the Internet era is the competition for user time in the final analysis." When these 400 million young people who have the most consumption power and the right to speak in the future spend several hours every day on short videos and live broadcasts, if you have not entered this field, there is no doubt that you may be behind.

There is no doubt that dithering has become the most worthwhile project in 2020. However, most ordinary people's orientation for dithering is to kill time, and there is no way to talk about making money with dithering.

The tuyere is waiting for no one, and there is no chance to miss it. So, how can ordinary people make money by dithering? How can we seize the opportunity to make money?

Here, I would like to recommend film and television clips to you for the following reasons: low threshold, low cost, just one mobile phone.

1、 What is the film clip number?

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Through cutting, mixing, adding background, adding subtitles, adding BGM and other operations on film and television works, a new work is formed, which is called film and television clip number.

The film and television clip numbers are roughly classified as follows: story explanation, story mix cutting, character mix cutting, character blocking, etc.

The content can be divided into: comedy number, funny number, plot number, etc;

For newcomers who want to start their own businesses in Tiaoyin, the threshold in other fields is slightly higher. Video copywriting, video shooting, video editing, post operation, etc. can't get started, so it is better to take ready-made video for secondary editing.

Advantages of film and television clip number: low threshold, low cost, free time, fast growth, easy realization;

Disadvantages of film and television clip number: film and television copyright problem, platform judgment and transportation problem, single realization method;

At the end of 19 years, film and television editing numbers were springing up one after another, and the weekly increase of 10W fans was even more common. Today, although the increase rate is not as fast as that at the end of the year, the prospects are also very good.

2、 How to make videos?

Editing technology is the basis of video production. The computer uses pr, and the mobile phone uses clipping.

1. How to cut a video?

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Pr Tutorial:

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(The pr software can also be claimed.)

2. How to clip video content?

① Focus on people

Cut all the works of Jackie Chan, Little Plum, Xingye and other stars, so that at least thousands of works can be updated;
Edit the main characters of popular movies and TV plays and put them together according to the story line;
② Take the story as the main line

Clip out the wonderful clips in the film and television drama, such as the classic clips of Xingye Kung Fu and the classic clips of making bullets fly;
Edit the story line of the main character in the film and television play, such as the black line of the main character;
③ Quotes as the main line

Inspirational quotations in inspirational films and television;
Blatant quotations in crime movies;
④ Film and television commentary

This is the highest threshold in film and television editing. It is difficult for creators to write scripts, edit film and television dramas with story lines, and express their own opinions on films.

3、 Material arrangement

1. What kind of movies and TV plays should be cut?

① With reference to the peers of dithering, every period of time there will be new movies and TV plays, and we should seize the hot spots every time;

② With reference to Douban, Zhihu and Station B, there are many topics related to film and television dramas that can be used for reference;

2. Source of films and TV plays?

① Mainstream video platforms: Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Watermelon Video, Station B and other platforms. When film and television materials are needed, they are downloaded after searching on these platforms. Most of the videos downloaded on these platforms need transcoding;

② Movie and TV website: Blu ray, Movie Paradise, and Resource Collection Network;

3. How can I download videos?

① Download function of video playing platform;

② With the help of Thunderbolt download or magnetic search download tools;

③ Record while watching with the help of screen recording software.

4. How to upload videos?

① Upload the produced video through the mobile phone APP with a resolution of 720X1280. The video uploaded in this way is prone to compression blur.

② Upload the video on the PC side. The official website of dithering: The works uploaded in this way can reduce the compression blur of the platform.

5. How to avoid misjudgment of platform handling?

How to avoid the phenomenon of multiple people editing at the same time in a film and television play? Add subtitles and background to the video.

4、 How to realize the account?

Realization is the original intention of our dithering, and also the driving force of our progress.

1. Carry goods

Add books, snacks, editing courses, etc. to the shopping cart, and interested fans will click to place an order.

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Order issuance of commodity window;

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Taobao~Alliance billing data

2. Star Map receives advertisements and does tasks

When the number of fans reaches 100000, a star map can be opened to receive advertisements from businesses or official submission tasks.

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Star map task amount

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Notice of Star Map Award;

3. Attract fans to the circle of friends

In the profile, add a personal number. After adding fans, do back-end CPM, do clip teaching, etc.

4. Live broadcast

After the works become popular, they can be broadcast quickly, earning rewards, selling goods, and selling edited tutorials.


There are two happiness in one's life. One is to do what one likes, and the other is to be with the people one likes.

The realization of these two happiness depends on luck and hard work.

Lucky people, if they don't work hard, their luck will gradually go far;

Those who are unlucky will succeed one day if they work hard enough.

This article is from a contribution and does not represent our position. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source:
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