If you want to be the agent of Wahaha Qingnai project, how can you contact the person in charge of Wahaha Qingnai project?

Many people still don't know how to become the agent of Wahaha Qingnai project?

Wahaha Qingnai project faces nationwide investment attraction!
New business opportunities, new opportunities, welcome to join us!
China Merchants Hotline
Manager Wu: 13175813930
WeChat: czbw88

Haha Qingnai is a franchise chain brand focusing on the research, development, production and marketing of new health drinks. It is created by Wahaha Group. According to the concept of modern young people pursuing healthy diet, it innovatively improves and perfects general drinks, creates drinks with the concept of light life brand, as well as meal replacement milkshakes, to meet customers' needs for light food, One side of the market has attracted many young consumers and is welcomed by the market. Wahaha Light Nail has established a perfect industrial chain, which uses a series of raw materials such as fresh fruits, produces unique products according to standard processes, and innovates products according to market changes to develop products with different flavors, such as white peach and mango flavored milkshakes. A bottle of milk shakes has low calories and a strong sense of satiety, It brings customers a different taste bud experience; We also create new products and further improve the advantages of the brand based on the needs of customers. The strength of the headquarters is very strong, providing product support, logistics distribution support, marketing promotion support, management and operation support, store supervision, post service, etc. to the franchisees, so that they can start their businesses with ease and effort.

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Wahaha Qingnai Project started to recruit agents?? Where to join in cooperation?
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