How to make money on idle fish? Practical dry goods of idle fish that industry leaders will not share

Some people will surely ask, this project is very profitable, why should we release it to everyone?

First, as the largest second-hand trading platform in China, idle fish has a huge flow, which can not be eaten by several people;

Secondly, there are many people who do so-called tutorials, and what they talk about is nothing more than a little bit of things, which are written here to avoid you being "cut leeks". I hope it can help you~

The following is the text, starting to share the dry goods of idle fish.

You can check the data on the Internet first. According to the official data of Xianyu, there are more than 250000 idle transactions every day, and the annual turnover exceeds 100 billion. The market cake is really big.

As we all know, if someone has a platform, there will be traffic. If there is traffic, there will be rivers and lakes. If there is marketing, we can profit from it.

1、 Account positioning and packaging

For Xiaobai, who has just learned about idle fish, he can operate 3 accounts for part-time work (one user can apply for 3 idle fish accounts), and can operate 5 accounts after becoming proficient. The account's sesame credit score must be more than 600. The sesame credit score can be viewed in Alipay. The higher the credit score of Sesame, the easier it is to be recommended by the platform. 700 points+, there is 70% probability of recommending a page, 650-700 points have 30% probability of recommending a page, less than 650 points have a small probability of recommending a page, and less than 600 points basically will not be recommended, the more times you recommend, the more traffic will be.

When products are put on the shelves in the early stage, you can try multiple categories, "a hodgepodge". After the products with high flow and high order quantity are tested, you can pack the account in a professional way.

For example, we began to test idle fish in September, 19. Two people worked for three numbers. In the three months from September to November, the idle fish platform sold 14W, followed by Wxin, which sold 11W. The net profit reached 40%, about 10W. At first, there were men's clothing, daily necessities, beauty products, fitness products, fruits, stationery, pets and other products on the account. Finally, it was found that women's clothing, fruits, pet products and other products had a high flow rate and a good order volume. After studying the good peers, we decided to make a vertical category and package the account as a professional seller. One account sells fruit, and the other two are for cosmetics and pet products.

Packaging of account number:

If the account is packaged as a person with personality, there will be more deals. The nickname, head portrait and personal signature of the account need to be packaged. For example, the nickname of the pet products account is the excrement shovel officer of the XXX family, and the head portrait is a group photo of a dog and a cat.

In November 19, three accounts were successfully upgraded to fashion players, farmer players, and pet players. They also accumulated a lot of customers on WeChat, with a repurchase rate of 35%, which can bring me 1~2W of income every month.

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2、 How to choose? Learn these points and easily handle the selection

Let's talk about the selection skills directly, learn how to select products, and earn a few K easily every month.

1. According to their own business, expertise and interest attributes, combined with the surrounding resources, select local specialties, such as Guilin longan, Korla fragrant pear, Turpan Hami melon, etc.

2. By looking at the classification of idle fish and imitating the peers with high sales, for example, opening the mother and baby section of idle fish, we can find the top ten best-selling products in the mother and baby field.

3. Through e-commerce platform navigation search, find out the products with large demand and large audience, for example: open Taobao, click today's blockbusters, and you can find the latest hot products.

It is difficult to choose and cannot be taught as a textbook. It requires long-term persistence and continuous accumulation.

3、 How to get more traffic? Learn to optimize details and quickly increase traffic

1. Releasing skills: Releasing the product will get more traffic than polishing. The product can be released early, middle and late in staggered working hours (7 to 8 a.m., 11 to 12 p.m., and after 6 p.m., each time).

2. Data optimization: The right amount of account swiping, coupled with a variety of comments, can give users a more real feeling, and quickly improve the product ranking and conversion rate.

3. Multiple releases: if a product is sold out, multiple links of different specifications can be released to occupy the search bar.

4. Batch operation: the layout of multiple stores, the more accounts, more products can be released, more keywords can be covered, and more traffic can be obtained.

5. Add video: add a video to the product to effectively increase the length of stay of users and increase their sense of trust.

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4、 How to avoid and reduce after-sales service

Leisure fish belongs to e-commerce, and after-sales problems cannot be avoided. How can we reduce after-sales?

1. Selection of high-quality sources of goods: when selecting sources of goods, you must see the buyer's evaluation of the product. The evaluation of merchants is sorted according to the latest time. Seven of the 10 evaluations are favorable, which can be used as an important reference for sources of goods. Of course, if all of them are good reviews, they are most likely to be brushed.

2. Refer to the reply speed of customer service: if customer service can reply and solve problems quickly, it means that their service quality is good.

3. Quick reply to idle fish buyer's inquiry: when the buyer is consulting idle fish, we should respond within 2-5 minutes. The faster the better, the slower the reply, and the customer may buy it at another house.

4. Clever use of welcome words: warm and professional welcome words will avoid customers' shopping around, and can directly promote the transaction.

Eg: Welcome to xx home. This product is the official product of xx.

Xx product is x yuan, including mail, xx product is x yuan, including mail, which one do you need?

5. Edit the details of the copywriting: when editing the product description, write down the precautions and after-sales problems of the product in advance, so that users can know, have an overall perception of the product, and reduce after-sales.

The above are the basic skills of managing leisure fish. The key to doing leisure fish is to persist. As long as you persist, you will see results.

If you are a novice, the above text will definitely help you. It is not difficult to earn thousands of yuan a month for some well managed idle fish accounts, but there are still details of idle fish operations that need to be polished and tested. The master led the way in, and the cultivation should be personal. Don't aim too high. Start with a small order. The sun rises first, and step by step.

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