The post-90s lottery earners only spend 50 yuan to win 169 million lucky lotteries. It's hard not to buy the first installment

The post-90s lottery earners only spend 50 yuan to win 169 million lucky lotteries. It's hard not to buy the first installment
07:36, December 16, 2022 Sina lottery
 169 million prize winners quickly cashed in 169 million prize winners quickly cashed in

   Editor's note: The Qatar World Cup is in full swing, and Sina Lottery has also opened the "Review of the Series of Billion Yuan Grand Prizes in the Domestic Lottery Market". With the progress of the World Cup, while watching the ball and buying the lottery, we will take you back to the exciting moments of winning the grand prizes in those years! Unconsciously, the World Cup has entered its final stage. Today is the 27th match day. I wish you good luck in the next lottery! At present, 64 billion yuan awards have been generated in China, and just last year, 169 million yuan awards were announced in the closing battle of the award assignment, which impressed us deeply. Now let's take our thoughts back to the last day of 2021 and review the highlights of that day.


   169 million set off the closing battle of the Double Color Ball Award

On the evening of December 30, 2021, the 2021150 lottery of China's welfare lottery, the last lottery of the Bicolor Lottery in 2021, is also the last lottery of the 1.2 billion Bicolor Lottery. The first prize for the 37 injection of double color ball blowout in the current period, with a single injection bonus of 5660828 yuan; Among them, 25 bets won the first prize special award at the same time, and the single bet bonus was 1105527 yuan. Anhui lottery people like to win the first prize of 25 bets plus special prize, becoming the biggest winner in the end of the double chromosphere battle in 2021.

It is amazing that the first prize and the special prize of Anhui 25 bet Double Color Balls are the only lottery winners, that is to say, a 169 million yuan Double Color Balls Super Prize was born again. According to the search, the grand prize came from Tongling Fucai No. 34110097 Betting Station, No. 2, Building 5, Xincheng Garden, Tongling Development Zone. It was a 50 yuan single number ticket with 25 times of the machine selected number, winning the first prize of 25 bets and the special prize of the first prize of 25 bets. The total prize was 169158875 yuan.

Early in the morning of December 31, the winner of Tongling Double Colorball Award of 169 million yuan (surnamed Hua) came to Anhui Fortune Lottery Center to cash in his bonus.

   You must buy it on time. If you don't buy it, you will panic

Mr. Zhang is a young lottery player of the post-90s generation. According to him, he has been buying lottery for about five years, and almost every issue of the two color ball will buy it. The amount invested each time ranges from tens to hundreds. "I saw my friends buy it several years ago, and then won a second prize, so I started to buy it myself. I got used to buying it, and I had to buy a double colored ball every time, and I would panic if I didn't buy it once."

 Winning lottery ticket Winning lottery ticket

When it comes to the number selection skills, Mr. Zhang said that although he often bought numbers, he had never studied numbers. He has always focused on multiple times of machine selection, and occasionally chose a few of his favorite numbers to buy. "I'm too lazy to think, so I just choose by machine. The reason why I double vote is because the payment is an integer, which is more convenient. The reason why I double vote for 25 bets in this lottery is also because I paid just 50 yuan at that time. It's really lucky that I bumped into the first prize of 25 bets." Speaking of this, Mr. Zhang laughed happily.

Mr. Zhang said that he knew he had won the lottery at more than 11 o'clock on the night of the lottery, and then he was too excited to sleep. So he drove to Hefei with his family overnight, so he came to the provincial lottery center early in the morning to receive the award. When it comes to bonus planning, Mr. Zhang said that he is in business, and this money will continue to be invested in his business to make it bigger and stronger.

Today, one year later, we can still feel the excitement and excitement of the award winners at that time. The same as last year, we are all experiencing the Bicolor Award, but the difference is that this year there is a football feast accompanied by the World Cup. I hope you will seize the opportunity to reap the good fortune and bring 2022 to a perfect end when the award and the World Cup are coming to an end!

(Anhui Fortune Lottery)

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