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Liaoning won the match point in the CBA finals. Yang Ming said that he was lucky to have Fergie

2024-05-21 14:57 Beijing News

Source title: Liaoning won the match point in the CBA finals. Yang Ming said that he was lucky to have Fergie

On the evening of May 20, CBA In the third game of the finals, Liaoning team defeated Xinjiang team 98-91 away, leading 3-0 in the total score. Another win will lead to the championship. In the history of CBA Finals, no team can win the championship in the event of falling behind 0-3 with a big score.

Fuge, a foreign aid of Liaoning Team, scored 34 points in the second game in a row, and he hit 6 3-pointers throughout the game. On the other hand, the outside feel of Xinjiang team is cold. The whole team only made six three-point shots together, with a hit rate of only 18.2%.

"At the critical moment, the ability and enthusiasm of both sides of Ferguson's attack and defense have made great contributions to our championship winning process in recent years, and he has provided the team with good emotional value. The team is lucky to have him if he is willing to do something that foreign aid of other teams may not be willing to do." Yang Ming, head coach of Liaoning Team, said after the game.

Zhao Jiwei contributed 16 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists for Liaoning Team. Six members of the Xinjiang team scored in double figures. Foreign aid Wikington scored the highest 17 points of the whole team. He scored 11 points in the fourth quarter, helping the Xinjiang team to catch up with the score for a time, but his two fatal mistakes at the critical moment also ruined the team's efforts.

The fourth game of the finals will be held on May 22, and the Xinjiang team will continue to hold the home court.

Editor in charge: Ji Jing (QC0003)

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