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Pay the most taxes and get the most vicious beating! Warriors lost 53 points, with 12.5% victory rate without Kuri! Cole: Shame

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55, 57, 60, 61... Does today's difference really exceed that magic number? Some fans who never watch garbage time have opened it warrior The broadcast picture of the game against Raptors is expected to witness a game with dramatic difference.

When the game entered the fourth quarter, Siakam and Trent of the Raptors had already cut 60 points together, while the Warriors had only got 56 points. If the water dispenser players of the Raptors hadn't wasted some offensive opportunities at the end, the 183 point guards of the Phoenix Suns might have opened champagne and knelt in the locker room today.

Missing this season Curie Of the game, Warriors 1-7, and the Warriors won 22-19 in the game with Curry. When Curry was on the court, the Warriors scored 113 points per hundred rounds, which ranked 13th in the league; In the absence of Curry, the Warriors scored 99.8 points per hundred rounds, and the Cavaliers, the worst attacking team in the league, scored 103.6 points per hundred rounds, 3.8 points more than the Warriors.

Is the Raptors a strong team? Before the trade deadline, the team sold Norman Powell, who can average 22.2 points in the backcourt. In the 14 games before the game against Warriors, the Raptors lost 13 games, including 9 consecutive defeats and 4 consecutive defeats. Now the Raptors are almost the bottom team in the league.

Without Curry's Warriors, they were slaughtered by such a league bottom team for 53 points.

This achievement is not surprising. When ESPN assessed the strength of teams in the western region at the beginning of the season, they ranked the Warriors as the second lowest team in the western region. The expected number of victories was 31.2, and the probability of entering the playoffs was 9%. An important reason they gave was Curry's attendance rate. In the past three seasons, Curry missed 31, 13, and 50 games, and the attendance rate was only 54.5%, From this, they estimated that Curry would attend 54-56 games this season.

The Warriors without Curry was the worst team in the league last season. The Warriors can still win 23 games today, and we can see how amazing Kuri is. On the ESPN's list of true positive and negative offensive values, Kuri's 9.91 positive and negative values far leave other players in the league behind.

Curry's attack level is still at its peak, which reflects the unbearable situation of the Warriors. Especially the manager Cole , was questioned by many people after the game. Perkins tweeted: "I will start to question Cole, because when his superstars cannot play, it is difficult for the Warriors to compete, let alone win the game."

Is Cole responsible? As the head coach, he changed his watch. His indomitable passing and cutting were found out by most people, which is an indisputable fact- Thompson - Green When none of the three core players can play, the Warriors team is short of the tactical system that has been operating for many years, and the existing player capabilities can not match the Warriors' tactics completely. However, despite his own problems, the management of Warriors is no less responsible than Cole.

Last season, after the reimbursement of Curry's season, the Warriors became a team in the lottery area, which also made the Silicon Valley tycoons who bought the Warriors' high priced tickets bored when watching the game. There were even empty seats in the Warriors' home stadium. Even the fans who bought season tickets didn't want to see it. Who would want to see Damien Lee and Poole at a high price?

Therefore, when Thompson tore his Achilles tendon during the offseason, leading to the season reimbursement, the Warriors did not give in to capture, but instead, they exchanged Ubrey for a huge luxury tax. Before the trade deadline, they knew it was unlikely to renew Ubrey's contract in the summer, but they still did not send him away. The salary and tax that Warriors have to pay for him add up to almost 3000 million years, and their luxury tax bill this season is more than 115 million.

The purpose of the Warriors' boss Ragb's spending so much money is simple. After the team moved to the Chase Center, it could not win the lottery for two consecutive years. Otherwise, the sales of season tickets would plummet and the reputation would not be good. In the long run, who would pay for the Warriors? It was not easy to move from Auckland in the backcountry to San Francisco behind Silicon Valley, and the team wanted to win, It doesn't matter to spend more money on it.

Of course, it's no problem to pay attention to the record, but the Warriors' whim is that they not only require the Warriors to compete for playoff seats, but also require Cole to train Wiseman, this year's No. 1 player.

Wiseman's height of 2.16 meters, arm span of nearly 2.3 meters, super running and jumping ability, and gradually improving technology make him look like he will definitely be one of the core of the future of warriors. Although the draft report suggested Wiseman's lack of concentration, confusion about his offensive role, problems with the type of shooter, poor choice of shots, and so on. But the Warriors still believe that this 19-year-old boy called "Smart Man" is really smart. Otherwise, how could he get 3.86 points in GPA?

But IQ and ball quotient are two different things after all. In the scouts' reports on The ringer and the NBA draft website, the template they gave Wiseman had the same person: Hassan Whiteside. The latter is a typical example of talent explosion but not clear headed. Now it has almost faded out of the league. Now it seems that Wiseman is very similar to Whiteside.

At the beginning of entering the league, Wiseman was deeply loved by the warriors. Curry, Green and Cole all praised his athletic ability on various occasions and praised his body endlessly. However, as the season went on, the Warriors players were slowly distressed by Wiseman's never hanging cover, ignoring his teammates' low position demands, and the absurd mistakes that would occur every game, and he seemed totally lost. Cole's patience also reached the limit. When Luni returned from injury, he immediately arranged Luni to start.

Luni knows how to block people for Curry and what his job is after picking and removing. He will keep his duty on the court and will not do everything. This is his consciousness as a role player. The Warriors had a net victory of 3.4 points per 100 rounds when Luni came on the field, and a net loss of 3 points per 100 rounds after the next game; While Wiseman was on the field, the Warriors had a net loss of 9.6 points per hundred rounds. After leaving the game, the team had a net win of 2.6 points per hundred rounds. Wiseman's shooting rate was only 48% when he started, and 58.3% when he played as a substitute.

But who made Wiseman the prince of the Warriors? Before the game against the Suns on March 5, Cole said about Wiseman: "In our current situation, he needs to do more. We need to train him. In the past few weeks, his playing time is not enough, and he will play more in the future."

After losing to the Clippers a week later, Cole still didn't point out the problem after the game, but continued to feed chicken soup to the children: "In the history of the league, there are almost no rookies who are ready to fight when they enter the league, especially in modern times, the players have not made much preparation in college. Wiseman did a great job, and he experienced the normal ups and downs of a 19-year-old young player in the league. You see his performance in the fourth quarter tonight, his ability and character, I have no doubt that he will become a great player. "

The Warriors has always been the league's least favorite team to play pick and roll, but Cole said in an interview on April 1: "We hope to continue to implement a large number of pick and roll tactics, most of which is because Wiseman played more freely in this process."

Fans can see that Wiseman is not that material at all. Can Cole, who watches Wiseman play every day, not know? Luni's starting at the beginning of the season and Anderson's starting five teams at the middle of the season are much better than Wiseman's presence no matter who plays at the center. So why does Cole still insist on giving Wiseman playing time?

In the big reversal of the Lakers at the beginning of the season, Cole only let Wiseman play for 12 minutes, and Wiseman looked depressed off the court. But before long, Wiseman's playing time and position became more and more stable inexplicably. Who put pressure on Cole?

Normal teams cultivate new talent step by step, The Spurs And the Heat, why can they always cultivate new talent? No matter Derek White or Kelden Johnson, if they are not good enough, they will go to develop the league to practice. For the semi-finished products of the interior, the Heat will train Adebayor by first doing what you can do well. During the trial, Adebayor shot 30 of 50 three-point shots, but in the rookie season, he did not make a three-point shot.

If you make a mistake, go to the bench and wait until you can make positive contributions. This is the normal way for the team to cultivate new talent. Want to give the rookies the right to practice? This is not something that the management of a championship team can do at all.

What can the Warriors gain when Wiseman's confidence is completely destroyed?

Now the Warriors are ranked 10th in the western region with 23 wins and 26 losses, only half a victory ahead of the Kings, and 1.5 wins away from the eighth Spurs in the western region. Judging from the strength of the Warriors team today, it is good to play in the qualifying game of the playoffs. It is really hard to say whether they can enter the playoffs.

From the speech of coach Cole, we can see that he does not have much confidence: "It is important to enter the playoffs. If we can enter the playoffs, it will be a great achievement."

Curry has already celebrated his 33rd birthday; It is unknown whether Clay Thompson can recover to the original level after two years of serious injury; Green has little help left for the team, except for his declining defense and his licensing relying on Curry's restraining force. Does the Warriors have a future? They rely on Curry to support the team's gold lettered signboard, while hoping that the rookie can soar to the sky.

In the NBA, the disintegration of dynasties has collapsed. Few teams can continue to be strong, except the Spurs. Curry is a cornerstone player like Duncan. There is no doubt that the management of the Spurs can select and train Leonard and the Warriors for Duncan at the end of his career?

The success of Curry, Clay and Dream Chasing made the outside world praise the talent selection vision and training level of the Warriors. However, the success of the players obviously depends on the basic guarantee of their own strength and their understanding of the basketball game. Warriors have wasted too much first round draft right in recent years, and their draft vision and training level are obviously overestimated. Choose a rookie for Curry who can grow into a Leonard level helper? I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. They haven't even trained a qualified starter.

In the 15 years before the selection of Curry, the Warriors only made one playoff. Of course, the success of the team is not due to Curry alone, but when Curry is gone, we may be able to see who is swimming naked.

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