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Wu Changze: Liaolan Cherry

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In the first stage of the regular season, Liaoning The men's basketball team won 11 and lost 1, ranking first. What makes Liaoning fans more happy than the ranking is that, Liao basket We have gained two new talents, one is Zhang Zhenlin , the other is Wu Changze

Compared with Zhang Zhenlin, the son of Mingxiu, China Durant, a top student of NCAA, and known as the eldest son, Wu Changze was unknown until he landed in CBA.

Wu Changze is not a famous person, and he has no experience of being a young national youth. Even if he even went on the basketball road, he can use two words to summarize - accident.

Lost the school team

On March 20, 2000, Wu Changze was born into an ordinary family in Dashiqiao City, Yingkou, Liaoning Province. When he was young, like ordinary children, he devoted most of his energy to learning and had no special interest in sports. When watching TV, he occasionally slipped to the sports station, knowing that a Chinese named "Yao Ming" played basketball in the United States.

This is Wu Changze's little understanding of basketball before he went to junior high school, which lasted until 2012.

"I began to touch basketball in the second semester of the first day of the junior year, and my teacher taught me how to play basketball in PE classes," Wu Changze recalled, "I felt very interesting at that time, and I almost played basketball every time I went to PE classes later."

At that time, Wu Changze's physical quality was not very outstanding, and he did not want to take the path of professional basketball, not to mention his academic performance was very good.

In the second day of the junior high school, the school formed a school team to participate in the basketball game. Wu Changze, who was confident of entering the school team, was finally defeated. To his surprise, this defeat became an important opportunity for him to embark on the basketball road. It can also be said that it was because of this defeat that he laid the foundation for his basketball road.

"At that time, I thought I would definitely be in the school team, but I was defeated in the end," Wu Changze recalled. At that time, he made up his mind to "be in the school team next year."

There is an outdoor basketball court in Panlong Mountain Park near Panlong Mountain in Dashiqiao City. Since then, Wu Changze has played basketball in the park almost every day after school. Especially on weekends, he spent the afternoon on the court to improve himself.

"Sometimes I ask a few classmates, sometimes I go alone without professional guidance, and I don't understand the rules. I just want to improve my performance in the school team," Wu Changze said with a smile.

After a year of hard work, can I join the school team in the third day of junior high school? The result is still no.

"The headmaster is afraid of affecting the high school entrance exam, and the school team will not allow the students in the third day of junior high school to participate," Wu Changze said with some disappointment, "soon the school team will also be disbanded."

There is no clear goal on the basketball court. Wu Changze devotes more energy to study and sometimes plays basketball, but that is just a change out of study. The future is also likely to be a change out of work.

Zhou Qi Younger Martial Brother

In the 2014 summer high school entrance exam, Wu Changze was admitted to the best high school in the city - Dashiqiao No. 1 High School. There was no academic pressure in the summer vacation. Wu Changze, who has grown to 1.90 meters tall, signed up for a basketball training class.

"At that time, I wanted to know how to play professional basketball, but I didn't have many ideas, let alone the idea of playing basketball in the end."

In the basketball training class, for the first time, Wu Changze was instructed how to warm up, train and play basketball. For the first time, he participated in a full court game and went to Fuxin with the training class to participate in a basketball game.

It was in this basketball match that Wu Changze was elected by the president of Fuxin Basketball School Zhou Qi Li Ming, the mentor of enlightenment, suggested that he go to Fuxin and take the path of professional basketball.

In fact, before being invited by Li Ming, Wu Changze had decided to go to high school. "At that time, the tuition for school had been paid, more than 1000," Wu said.

go to school? play a ball?

Without too much hesitation, Wu Changze chose to follow his heart and play basketball: "My parents did not give me any pressure, and I completely let myself decide. My mother's heart inclined to let me go to high school, but she and my father respected my ideas."

In this way, in September 2014, 14-year-old Wu Changze came to Fuxin Basketball School and became a disciple of Li Ming, Zhou Qi Younger Martial Brother.

"To be honest, I didn't know Zhou Qi before I went to Fuxin," Wu Changze said with a smile

Wu Changze only stayed in Fuxin Basketball School for one year, which was also the year when he really got to know basketball. The basic skills, rules and team concept are all learned here.

I learned about physical training and learned the most basic basketball skills here. In the summer of 2015, I was selected to participate in Jordan Training Camp in the United States and met the God of Basketball.

In September 2015, Wu Changze was targeted by Liaoning Basketball and joined the Liaoning Youth Team. Since then, he has been waiting for the call of the first team and dreamed of going to the CBA arena, which has been five years.

Previous team

On August 25, 2020, Liaoning Men's Basketball Team announced the team's new season coaching team lineup, and 80 year old Jiang Xingquan returned to serve as a consultant.

At the players' meeting on the same day, Jiang directed a sentence, "As long as you work hard, have certain characteristics, and can make contributions to the team, we will strive for bold use." This made the young players of Liaoning basketball team, including Wu Changze, confident in the future.

"Give young players some confidence, feel that everyone has a chance, and everyone has more ambition," Wu Changze said.

"At the beginning, there was some pressure. After all, Chiang's guidance was very famous. Many reports said he was so strict. I felt that he was a very good person when I contacted him. I often talked privately about the shortcomings on the court and the areas that need to be improved, which were very detailed."

"Director Jiang is meticulous about training. Of course, if everyone is not serious and energetic, he will be very strict."

In September, the teams successively updated their players' registration lists, and Wu Changze was promoted to the first team, qualified to participate in the CBA20-21 season.

"In fact, there was a chance to join the first team last year, which was postponed for one year due to shoulder injury," Wu Changze said when talking about being transferred to the first team this season. "One more year of waiting has also made me more prepared."

This is not the first time that Wu Changze missed the game due to injury. During the Spring Festival of 2015, Wu Changze, who was still in Fuxin School at that time, went to play basketball in Panlongshan Park for spring vacation, resulting in a broken foot and recuperation for several months. That injury taught Wu Changze self-discipline.

"Before the Spring Festival holiday, the coach specifically told me not to get hurt. After the holiday, I had several games to play, but I still got hurt," Wu Changze said of the injury

Self disciplined Wu Changze ushered in his first season after more than one year of waiting and preparation than expected.

Liao basket Cherry wood

On October 19, Liaoning men's basketball team welcomed its first opponent Tianjin men's basketball team in the new season. Wu Changze never dreamed that CBA would start in its first game.

"I never dreamed, really, although I have been well prepared for the war, I didn't expect to start," Wu Changze recalled, "after all Han Dejun and Guo Ailun When we play together, we used to watch them play on TV. "

"At the beginning, there was no bottom."

With 4:56 left in the first quarter, Aaron Guo passed the ball to Wu Changze, who was lying in the corner. After receiving the ball, he immediately shot and hit the first goal of his career. His name was on the CBA scoring list.

"That ball was very firm. When I caught it, I had already made a decision and had to shoot. After I shot the ball, I had enough confidence and dared to deal with it."

With 3:03 left in the third quarter, Wu Changze received Zhang Zhenlin's breakthrough pass and scored the first dunk in the restricted area. The dunk action was very similar to that in Slam Dunk Master Cherry wood After the match, many Liaoning fans called him "Liaolan Cherry Wood".

When it comes to nicknames, Wu Changze doesn't attach too much importance to them. "Whether it's' Junior Brother Zhou Qi 'or' Liaolan Sakuragi ', as long as the fans like it, it's OK."

In the 12 games in the first phase of the regular season, Wu Changze averaged 26.7 minutes, got 7.8 points, 4.7 rebounds, and hit 51.3% of three-point shots, ranking first over Mayo.

"I was quite satisfied with the first stage of the game." Wu Changze also said that his performance could not be separated from the help of his teammates, especially the guidance of Guo Allen and Zhao Jiwei, the famous national guard. "My own catch is more comfortable, teach me how to move, create space for me, and encourage me to be more determined."

The offensive side played well, but Wu Changze paid more attention to the performance of the defensive side. In the third game, he played North Control. Wang Shaojie, the No. 1 player, was blocked twice, which was his most memorable game.

"I feel very aggressive, very passionate, and give myself a lot of confidence."

Like many rookies, Wu Changze showed some ups and downs, and his offensive means were relatively simple. Among all the attacks, one fixed jump shot accounted for nearly half, accounting for 45.5%, 21.1% and 6.5% respectively.

As head coach Yang Ming said, Wu Changze is not well known by his opponents. He has performed well, but as the outside world gets familiar with him, he will have a bottleneck period.

"There are still many deficiencies. Defensive delays, rotation and defense problems are quite common, rebounds are still a little short, and the ability to grasp fast break and opportunities under the basket is still insufficient." Speaking of deficiencies, Wu Changze saw clearly, "there are too many problems, and it is not enough to run in with everyone."

Fortunately, Wu Changze knew what he wanted and how to do it. He never played on the field again after being injured in 2015; Although his favorite player is Harden, he will study Duncan, Garnett and other players' playing methods.

"In 2018, I was very excited to see Liaoning basketball team win the championship on TV. I hope I can also bring the championship to Liaoning basketball team!" This is Wu Changze's goal for himself.

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