[Geological evaluation line] Jinyang online review: deeply grasp some important relationships for the development of new quality productivity

Source: Golden Sheep   Author:   Published on: 2024-06-14 06:52
ycwb    Author:    2024-06-14
To develop new quality productivity, how should we deal with the relationship between productivity and production relations, between new quality productivity and traditional productivity, and between new quality productivity and high-quality development?

Column host Li Meiyan

Developing new quality productivity is the internal requirement and important focus of promoting high-quality development. The proposal of new quality productivity reflects the characteristics of the times when a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation lead to the leap of productivity. It is an innovation and development of Marxist productivity theory and provides direction guidance for accelerating high-quality development. To develop new quality productivity, how should we deal with the relationship between productivity and production relations, between new quality productivity and traditional productivity, and between new quality productivity and high-quality development? In this issue of "Li Xiang, President of Guangdong Equestrian Academy", Yangcheng Evening News invited two experts and scholars to deeply understand some important relationships in the development of new quality productivity.

Yangcheng Evening News: In Marxist theory, productivity and production relations are a pair of core concepts. To develop the new quality productive forces, we must further deepen the reform in an all-round way, and form a new type of production relationship that matches it. How to grasp the relationship between new quality productivity and new production relations?

Liu Xiaolong: According to historical materialism, productive forces determine the relations of production, and the relations of production react on the productive forces. The relations of production must adapt to the development requirements of certain productive forces. On the one hand, productivity, as the most active and revolutionary factor in the mode of production, is the decisive force to push forward history and determine the development and evolution of production relations. On the other hand, the relations of production react on the productive forces. When the relations of production meet the requirements of the development of productive forces, they will promote the development of productive forces. Otherwise, they will hinder the development of productive forces. The proactive reform of the relations of production provides conditions for further liberation and development of productive forces.

In today's era, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation has accelerated the evolution, and disruptive breakthroughs in technology, innovative allocation of production factors, and rapid industrial upgrading have given birth to new quality productivity. The new quality productivity represents the energy level jump in the evolution of productivity, which inevitably requires accelerating the reform of production relations, forming new production relations that are suitable for it, and providing good institutional conditions and governance system for the vigorous development of the new quality productivity.

To form and improve new production relations that are compatible with new quality productivity, we need to further comprehensively deepen reform, closely focus on the internal requirements of taking scientific and technological innovation as the core, industrial upgrading as the carrier, and human resources as the support, and strive to eliminate the blocking problems such as lack of original technology, sluggish transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and difficulty in emerging top innovative talents, So as to better promote the development of new quality productivity. At the same time, we need to expand high-level opening up and provide an external environment with equality, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation as the main theme for the development of new quality productive forces.

Yuan Jihong: The basic principle of Marxist political economy is that the relations of production must adapt to the requirements of the development of productive forces. The new quality productivity is expedited by the revolutionary breakthrough of technology, the innovative allocation of production factors, and the in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries. Its development needs the support of scientific mechanisms and production relations that match it. This requires us to further comprehensively deepen reform, establish a high standard market system, innovate the allocation mode of production factors, and let all kinds of advanced and high-quality production factors flow smoothly to develop new quality productivity.

Actively developing new production relations that are compatible with the new quality productivity is conducive to activating the new momentum of social production contained in the new quality productivity. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "Deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, the education system, the talent system and other reforms, and break through the blockages that constrain the development of new quality productivity." This further clarified the specific content of forming new production relations that are compatible with new quality productivity. We should take education as the foundation, science and technology as the guide, and talent as the key, deepen the institutional reform in education, science and technology, and talent fields, optimize policy supply, form an institutional mechanism for in-depth integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain, talent chain, and constantly promote the innovative allocation of production factors, revolutionary breakthroughs in science and technology, and in-depth transformation and upgrading of the industrial system, Provide strong power support for the development of new quality productivity.

Yangcheng Evening News: General Secretary Xi Jinping, when attending the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation at the second session of the 14th National People's Congress where he was, emphasized that "cultivating and strengthening emerging industries, building future industries in advance, and improving the modern industrial system", and pointed out that "developing new quality productivity does not mean ignoring or abandoning traditional industries". To develop new quality productive forces, how should we handle the relationship between traditional industries, emerging industries and future industries?

Yuan Jihong: Compared with the traditional productivity, the new quality productivity is an advanced productivity quality that innovation plays a leading role, gets rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, has high-tech, efficient, high-quality characteristics, and conforms to the new development concept. But this does not mean that traditional productivity can be ignored or even abandoned. To develop new quality productivity, we need to balance the relationship between traditional industries, emerging industries and future industries, gradually change the situation of low-end industries with more high-end industries and labor-intensive industries with more capital and less technology intensive industries, and build a modern industrial system with diversified development and multipolar support.

First of all, the new quality productivity does not come out of nowhere. It needs the support of traditional industries. China's traditional industries have a large scale, accounting for more than 80% of the manufacturing industry, and are the base of the modern industrial system. Many traditional industries can become new industries or even future industries after transformation and upgrading; The development of emerging industries and future industries also depends on the support of raw materials, parts and components provided by traditional industries. Without the support and nurture of traditional industries, the development of new quality productivity will lack a realistic foundation.

Secondly, the "novelty" of new quality productivity lies in innovation. Whether it is to cultivate emerging industries, layout future industries, or transform and upgrade traditional industries, we must seize the key of scientific and technological innovation and strengthen the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation. Once the original and disruptive technological innovation is successfully applied to specific industries and industrial chains in a timely manner, it will quickly dominate the market, reshape the industrial and market competition pattern, and bring fundamental changes to the quality of productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to give full play to the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation in industrial development, and promote the supplement of short board industries, the extension of competitive industries The traditional industries are upgraded and the emerging industries are built, so as to cultivate new momentum for the development of new quality productivity.

Liu Xiaolong: Industrial reform is an important carrier and specific manifestation of new quality productivity. The development of new quality productivity will inevitably require vigorously promoting industrial upgrading and upgrading, and improving the modern industrial system. Materialist dialectics tells us that everything has two aspects of the unity of opposites, and its development and change is usually a process of "negation of negation" from quantitative change to qualitative change and spiral rise. From this point of view, the new and old industrial reform is not a simple confrontation of "new" and "old" or taking "new" to "old", but to base on reality, adjust measures to local conditions to "new" and "old", realize the mutual promotion of "new" and "old", and promote the rational layout of the two and complement each other.

On the one hand, cultivating and strengthening emerging industries and building future industries ahead of schedule are in line with the general trend and trend of industrial leap from "old" to "new", from "traditional" to "modern", and from "present" to "future", which are also strategic opportunities and key tasks for developing new quality productivity. The trend of the times is overwhelming. The disruptive scientific and technological revolution represented by artificial intelligence technology has given birth to a new generation of information technology, new energy, new materials and other emerging industries. It is pregnant with future industries such as the metauniverse, brain computer interface, humanoid robots and so on, bringing unprecedented opportunities and challenges to all countries and nations. There is no doubt that the development of new quality productive forces should be based on the present and take a long-term view. With a sense of urgency and unconventional thinking, we should increase efforts to seize the strategic commanding heights of emerging industries and future industries, open up new development tracks, and enhance new momentum of development.

On the other hand, the development of new quality productive forces is not to ignore or abandon traditional industries. It is necessary to prevent the herd and bubble, nor to adopt a model. It is necessary to actively promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries on the innovative track, so as to achieve the integrated development of "new" and "old" industries. To this end, we should adhere to local conditions, give full play to the innovative and integrated functions of new quality productivity, promote the development of traditional industries in the direction of high-end, intelligent and green through the scientific and technological empowerment of traditional industries and the optimal allocation of production factors, upgrade the transformation of traditional industries to the important cornerstone of cultivating new quality productivity, and realize the realization of traditional industries, strategic emerging industries The benign interaction and harmonious progress of future industries will provide a solid and powerful industrial foundation for promoting Chinese style modernization.

Yangcheng Evening News: High quality development is the absolute principle of the new era. A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform is in the ascendant. How should we grasp the internal relationship between new quality productivity and high-quality development?

Yuan Jihong: New quality productivity and high-quality development are internally consistent in theory, strategy and practice. In the new era, the main social contradiction in China has been transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. The grand logic of economic development has shifted from "whether there is" to "whether there is", and from high-speed growth to high-quality development. High quality development, with innovation as the first driving force, coordination as the endogenous characteristic, green as the universal form, openness as the only way, and sharing as the fundamental purpose, is the concentrated embodiment of the new development concept, and also the strategic choice of the new development stage. In practice, it requires that we must adhere to the principle of quality first, efficiency first, and promote the quality, efficiency, and power changes of economic development, We will continue to enhance economic innovation and competitiveness and build a modern economic system.

The development of productive forces is the ultimate determinant of social development and progress. To promote the quality change of economic development, we need to get rid of the traditional way of economic growth and the path of productivity development. The new quality productivity originates from the scientific and technological revolution, which is characterized by high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and conforms to the new development concept. The dynamic change of high-quality development fundamentally requires the development of new quality productivity. Technological revolutionary breakthroughs, especially original and disruptive scientific and technological innovations, promote the overall leap of workers, means of labor, labor objects and their optimized combination, which is the basic connotation of new quality productivity and the internal driving force of high-quality development. The distinctive feature of new quality productivity is innovation, which includes innovation at the level of technology and business model, as well as innovation at the level of management and system. It has two major functions, namely, to quickly promote the innovative allocation of production factors and the in-depth transformation and upgrading of industries, objectively bringing about efficiency changes, and promoting new industries and new models, It is an important focus for high-quality development to promote the construction of a modern economic system.

Liu Xiaolong: High quality development is the hard truth of the new era, which needs new productivity theory to guide. We should deeply grasp the internal relationship between the development of new quality productivity and the promotion of high-quality development and its practical requirements, adhere to scientific and technological innovation as the core, industrial upgrading as the direction, and human resources as the support, and strive to promote the leap and qualitative change of workers, means of labor, objects of labor and their optimized combination, so as to lay the groundwork for enabling high-quality development, Constantly meet the people's yearning for a better life.

First, we should deeply understand that scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity, accelerate scientific and technological self-reliance, and promote innovation driven development. Scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new models, new driving forces, and develop new quality productivity. We must give full play to the key role of scientific and technological innovation as an "incremental device", fight hard against key core technologies, open up new tracks with scientific and technological innovation, cultivate new driving forces with new industries, and effectively promote Chinese modernization with high-quality development.

Second, we should have a deep understanding that talent is the key support for the development of new quality productivity, take talent as a treasure, and accelerate the construction of a talent power. Talents are not only initiators of innovation, but also practitioners of technology application, and more importantly, promoters of institutional change. The development of new quality productivity, in the final analysis, depends on excellent talents to promote and realize. In accordance with the requirements of developing new quality productive forces, we should smooth the virtuous circle of education, science and technology, and talent, further improve the working mechanism of talent training, introduction, use, and reasonable flow, create a good atmosphere of recognizing talent, loving talent, respecting talent, and using talent, so that the vitality of talent creation and innovation can be fully unleashed.

The third is to build a modern industrial system, constantly optimize the industrial structure and improve the level of industrial value chain. We should actively promote the upgrading and updating of traditional industries in technology, production mode, management mode, etc., constantly improve production efficiency, and vigorously promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. At the same time, we should strengthen technology empowerment, scientifically layout emerging industries and future industries, make the industrial chain more valuable and competitive in the global market.

The fourth is to promote the in-depth development of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing industry, and consolidate the green background for the development of new quality productivity. Green development is the background of high-quality and quantitative development, and new quality productivity itself is green productivity. We should aim at the development direction of industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading, accelerate the innovation of green science and technology and the promotion and application of advanced green technology, more consciously respond to the practical requirements of Chinese style modernization, and better meet the people's needs for a better life.

Edited by: Wu Jiahong
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