[Geological evaluation line] Jinyang online review: a good story of high-quality development in Guangdong comes from the "window of southern Guangdong"

Source: Golden Sheep Review   Author: Yin Jianguang   Published at 11:17 on May 22, 2024
Golden Sheep Comments    Author: Yin Jianguang    2024-05-22
From the "window of southern Guangdong" comes the high-quality development story of Guangdong, which is the "story of spring" of the new era.

On May 21, the "Window of South Guangdong" for high-quality development of China Central Radio and Television Station was unveiled in Guangzhou, and the "Better and Better" international design competition was launched on the same day. From the "window of southern Guangdong" came the good stories of high-quality development in Guangdong.

High quality development is in full swing and needs to be guided by examples. People expect to see good experience and good practices of high-quality development in Guangdong. Guangdong is the vanguard, pioneer and experimental area of reform and opening up. Guangdong's vivid practice, vivid stories, and aggressive attitude in the new journey of high-quality development should move towards the whole country and inspire the era. "Window of South Guangdong" is the first program production base with high-quality development as the theme, which provides an important carrier for vividly telling the stories of Guangdong and the Greater Bay Area in the new era, promoting the high-quality development of Guangdong experience, demonstrating the experience of the Bay Area and promoting it to the whole country. This is to comply with the call of the times and the expectations of the people. It is to promote the responsibility of the times and inject strong positive energy into economic development.

From the "window of southern Guangdong", good stories of Guangdong's high-quality development have been floated to inspire Guangdong, a wonderful era. At present, Guangdong is fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important speech and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his visit to Guangdong. In accordance with the specific deployment of "1310" of the Provincial Party Committee, Guangdong is making every effort to do a good job in the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area in the new stage, the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", the leadership of the manufacturing industry, the self-reliance of high-level science and technology, and the ecological construction of green and beautiful Guangdong, Guangdong's practice of Chinese style modernization has been solidly promoted. Guangdong's high-quality development story is brilliant; Promote Chinese style modernization and make it colorful; Vigorously develop new quality productivity, and a hundred schools of thought contend. Running the "getting better" international design competition well, publicizing and reporting the hot practice of Guangdong's striving for a new journey and making contributions to the new era, telling a good story of China, spreading the voice of the Bay Area, and demonstrating the brilliance of Guangdong are bound to make contributions to singing the bright theory of China's economy, promoting high-quality development, and promoting Chinese modernization. Guangdong's high-quality development story has written a magnificent chapter of the times.

The blueprint is drawn, the dream is spread, the "window of southern Guangdong" is opened, and the public opinion is loud and clear. A series of high-quality programs and key projects were launched to create a high-quality "window of southern Guangdong" brand matrix in the Greater Bay Area. The "Better and Better" Media Action of Guangdong's "Hundred Million Project" will comprehensively and stereoscopically present the hot picture of Guangdong's "Hundred Counties, Thousand Towns and Ten Thousand Villages High Quality Development Project" accelerating. The "Better and Better" International Design Competition will focus on key areas such as national key projects and strategic industries, and strive to build a design ecosystem that serves the Bay Area, leads the country and affects the world; Jointly launch innovative projects such as the 2024 Guangdong Dragon Boat Season and the "Guochao Zhenpin Hall" of CCTV news client around the "2024 Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Consumption Season" to gather popularity, stimulate vitality and create space for the consumption season. Open the "window of southern Guangdong", and Guangdong has a good voice.

From the "window of southern Guangdong" comes the high-quality development story of Guangdong, which is the "story of spring" of the new era. Open the "window of southern Guangdong", see the magnificent picture of high-quality development in Guangdong, and listen to the magnificent music of high-quality development in Lingnan. (By Yin Jianguang)

Editor: Su Huilin
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