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Shenzhen Zhongnan Tongda International Logistics Co., Ltd

Founded in Shenzhen, China in 2015, Zhongnan Tongda is a global cross-border e-commerce infrastructure service provider, providing cross-border e-commerce merchants with integrated logistics solutions such as overseas warehousing, air and sea routes, international express and supply chain services. There are three subsidiaries and five overseas storage and transit hubs in the world, with a total storage area of more than 300000 square feet and a total of more than 100 employees. In 2022, it will handle 110000 tons of goods, order volume of more than 3 million, and serve more than 3000 cross-border e-commerce merchants worldwide. Overseas warehouses are located in the core area of each major FBA warehouse area, which can effectively save local storage costs and transportation cycle.

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*Risk tip: All the settled service providers must provide legal certificates and authorization letters to the seller's home, but the seller still needs to carefully identify the settled service providers. If there is cooperation, please be sure to sign a contract, and the risks generated shall be borne by the seller and the service provider.

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