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Product marketing theme | single page website version

admin 2019-11-22 17:51:59 one thousand six hundred and forty-two

Considering that different users have different requirements for the use of a single page, some people do pure single pages, and some people need to publish some articles for Baidu ranking of product keywords in addition to single pages.

Therefore, our theme can be personalized. For example, website logo, search box, navigation bar, banner image, single page body, article list, latest articles, popular tags, friendship links, bottom shortcut menu, file download, etc. can be customized or closed.

Please waste a few minutes reading the following content, you will like this topic more.

On November 1, 2019, we completed a major upgrade of the theme.

On the basis of the original theme function, we have added the theme DIY color matching function, popular tags, optimized the theme style, and added the theme background color.

The theme function is increased, the template is more beautiful, but the code is more streamlined.

As an obsessive-compulsive original theme author, this time the compression rate of the theme's css code reached more than 40%, and the compression rate of the theme template code reached more than 20%, just to make our website visit faster.

Of course, it is difficult to see the difference before and after the acceleration on a single page with a very compact volume.

We left a link to the old version You can compare our new version.

Old users familiar with our theme will also find that our theme has changed its name.

As for why it was renamed as "Product Marketing Single Page Website Theme"?

Because after visiting a large number of user websites, I found that many users use this theme for product marketing or project promotion based on a certain product or application. Therefore, based on these, we have carried out an important upgrade and renaming in order to make the positioning more accurate.

We have temporarily closed the demonstration station of other colors of the theme (old version), because the theme can have many colors after the new color matching function, so it is unnecessary to display them one by one.

(ps: From now on, we will change the title of "demo website" to "theme website". If the theme has updated content, you can visit our theme website to check the details and see the latest website effect.)

The following contents systematically introduce the functions of the topic:

1. Website adaptation, that is, responsive.

2. The color of the website can be configured through the theme - color matching function, self matching;

3. The website header (logo and search box) supports two display modes;

4. Banner pictures can be displayed on the home page, list page and details page respectively;

5. Website width can be customized;

6. The website navigation bar supports closing, and the navigation bar displays drop-down secondary classification;

7. The main content of a single page on the home page of a website is an article displayed on the home page of a website through ID call, and the title can be closed separately (pure single page connection banner);

8. The article list on the home page of the website can be displayed in multiple categories, and the number of articles can be customized, with "more buttons";

9. The latest update on the home page of the website can be closed with the "More" button;

10. The popular tags on the homepage of the website can be closed and the number of tags can be set;

11. The friendship link on the homepage of the website can be closed;

12. SEO title, SEO keyword and SEO description can be set on the homepage, category, article and tag of the website respectively;

13. The website category page, search page, tab page, article page and single page support breadcrumb navigation and can be closed without any need;

14. The publisher, publishing time and reading amount of the website article page can be closed;

15. The previous and next articles on the website article page can be closed;

16. The bottom of the website article shows the article link and reprint statement, which can be closed if not required;

17. The website article page displays relevant articles. You can set the same category or label, and set the number of articles in the list.

18. The website file page file download module can customize the content, and can select the publishing, resource server type, download address, download password, decompression password, and file size in the article editing;

19. The navigation (hover) at the bottom of the website can be customized. It can be set to display only in the mobile version. It can also be set to display different content in the mobile version and the PC version. It can also be set to display on the home page, category page, article page, and single page respectively.

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