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    Version Emperor comes again to brush the presence of Firefox 40.0.2 release

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Liu Feifei
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       Firefox Firefox 40 is updated again, the latest version is 40.0.2. This update mainly fixes crashes when starting on some computers. Firefox 40.0 is developed based on Gecko 40 kernel and optimized for Win10 system, which is more suitable for touch control. The window border color is light gray by default. In addition, documents are added download The safety protection function is improved Software Security.

    Firefox browser 40.0.2 Update Log

    1. The newly enabled API allows Windows10 The user opens the setting window;

    2. Fix the loss of mozalloc.lib in xulrunner package.

    3. Fixed crash when starting in some PCs

     Version Emperor comes again to brush the presence of Firefox 40.0.2 release

    Mozilla Firefox, commonly known as "Firefox" or "Firefox Browser" in Chinese, is an open source web browser that uses the Gecko engine (not ie Kernel), supporting multiple operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. Firefox was developed by the Mozilla Foundation and hundreds of volunteers in the community. The early source code was released under three licensing methods of GPL/LGPL/MPL, and was released under the GPL compatible MPL 2.0 license from January 3, 2012. Firefox is different from IE Browser In addition to the functions of a web browser, the new browser also includes more features, such as preventing pop-up ads, integrating Google toolbar functions, and integrating multiple search engines to achieve more information retrieval.

    Firefox browser can easily view historical browsing records, change the text size of the browser to view the web page, and view the web page source code. With Google toolbar, you can search any website without opening a new website. In addition, you can use Google search to browse foreign websites, and you can use the online translation tool of Google toolbar to translate English websites, mark the location of keywords, etc. true // report one thousand one hundred and seventy-eight Firefox 40 is updated again, the latest version is 40.0.2. This update mainly fixes crashes when starting on some computers. Firefox 40.0 is developed based on Gecko 40 kernel and optimized for Win10 system, which is more suitable for touch control. The window border color is light gray by default. In addition, the security protection function when downloading files is added
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