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Free download of micro pressure computer version

 Micro pressure computer version
Software size: 3.99 M Updated on: 2020-02-02 10:41:28 Software language: Chinese Software license: free software
Application platform: Windows Software label: Micro pressure download

Micro pressure computer version It is a new generation of compression software. It is free for a long time. Compared with traditional compression software, it is faster and lighter. It supports decompression of up to 42 kinds of compressed files, such as rar, zip, 7z, iso, and so on.

Features of micro pressing software

1. The maximum compression dictionary in 64 bit WinRAR is increased to 1GB. The 32-bit WinRAR version can use a 256MB dictionary when creating compressed files. Both 32-bit and 64 bit versions can decompress compressed files of any dictionary size, including 1GB.

2. Compressed file format. You can use "Compressed file format" in the compression dialog box to create multi format compressed files such as RAR, TAR, 7Z, etc.

3. The encryption algorithm in CBC mode is changed from AES-128 to AES-256. The key derivation function is based on PBKDF2 using HMAC-SHA256.

4. To delete, select a file, and then use the Delete button on the menu, toolbar, or the keyboard shortcut Del to move the selected files and folders to the recycle bin, so you have the opportunity to restore the accidentally deleted data. When you press Shift+Del while deleting a file, it will not be moved to the recycle bin, but will be deleted directly and cannot be recovered.

5. 7z compressed file format, adding decompression support for 7Z compressed file format.

6. The change of the compressed file format and the diversification of file compression make the compression more simple, and the multi format file compression method can better meet the requirements of comprehensive file compression.

Micro pressure update log

1. Optimize some functions.

2. Fix the bug that cannot continuously view the graph in the 7z format compression package.

3. Fixed a problem where files with the same name could not be decompressed properly.

Micro pressure installation tutorial steps

1. Download the micro pressure installation package, and double-click to run the installation package.

2. Enter the installation wizard and click Next to install.

3. Wait until the installation is completed, and then click Start Now.

Operating Steps of Micro pressure Installation Tutorial

01 Download the micro pressure installation package, and double-click to run the installation package.

 Micro pressure computer version

02 Enter the installation wizard and click Next to install.

 Micro pressure computer version (1)

03 Wait until the installation is completed, and then click Install Complete.

 Micro pressure computer version (2)

How to use micro compression to compress files

How to use micro compression to compress files ? Many users are not very clear about this. How to compress it? Let's have a look.

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FAQ of micro pressing

How to uninstall computer micro pressure?

1. Click Start on the left side of the taskbar.

2. In the pop-up menu, slide the right slider (or rotate the middle mouse button) to find "Micro Press" and click it.

3. In the pop-up list, click "Unload micro pressure".

4. On the "Micro pressure" unloading page, click "Start unloading".

5. Then wait for the uninstall operation to complete.

6. After uninstalling, click OK.

Netizen comments
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1st floor net friend 23-04-05 02:19:16

I want to know how to translate it into Chinese

2nd floor net friend 23-04-04 22:45:32

Very good. Micro pressure computer version 4.06.16 (X64) has been installed and used. Thank you!

3rd floor net friend 23-04-04 19:16:34

The newer it is, the better it can be used. I can't find some functions before, but the micro pressing computer version now surprises me

4th floor net friend 23-04-04 06:36:23

How to download the micro pressure computer version? Is it high-speed download? It's a home-made software. I really want to try it

5F net friend 23-04-03 18:23:58

Very good! The user experience of micro pressure computer version is getting better and better, and I will always support it!

6th floor net friend 23-04-03 06:05:48

Do you plan to exchange the skills of using the micro pressure computer version together? I am new to this software and am not familiar with it.

7th floor net friend 23-04-02 21:06:52

How to use this micro pressure computer version? I'm Xiaobai, please explain

8th floor net friend 23-04-02 18:33:01

What's wrong with the micro pressing computer version? Don't beep if you don't understand. You have no quality at all

9th floor net friend 23-04-01 11:30:33

Why can't I install my micro pressure computer version after downloading it? What the hell

10th floor net friend 23-03-31 17:52:13

It's just that occasionally there is a bit of a problem. Click my name to introduce you better

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