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Download the computer version of ie browser for free

 Ie browser computer version download
Software size: 22.21 M Updated on: 2019-12-03 15:48:57 Software language: Chinese Software license: free software
Application platform: Windows Software label: Ie browser download

The computer version of ie browser is a web browser developed by Microsoft. On the basis of IE9 browser, it has enhanced CSS3 parsing and hardware acceleration functions, and also supports HTML5. IE10 browser has improved in hardware acceleration, data processing speed, website page opening speed, page processing and visual processing functions, and it also supports various existing web page standards.

Features of IE10 browser software

1. IE10 browser is faster, and web page loading speed is faster than previous IE browsers. Many website pages are opened at once, and the old version of IE may still load page elements slowly.

2. More secure. Internet Explorer 10 has also upgraded users' privacy protection. It can deny websites access to users' cookies information through a simple "no tracking" setting, thus avoiding the growing privacy crisis in the Internet field.

3. The use of resources is lower. The official download version of ie10 browser has comprehensively improved the performance, providing faster page loading, interaction and JavaScript performance, while reducing CPU utilization and extending the life of the battery on the mobile PC.

4. IE10 browser leads other browsers in many evaluations. In the evaluation of Microsoft's performance lab, the speed of IE loading the actual pages of news, social networking, search, e-commerce and other major websites has increased by as much as 20%. For IE10 on Windows 7, the WebKit SunSpider JavaScript benchmark performance improved by 25% compared with IE9, and by 17% compared with the entire industry and other browsers. Compared with IE9, the performance of comparable hardware is improved by 30%.

5. The official download version of IE10 browser supports HTML5.

IE10 browser update log

1. IE10 application error improves hardware acceleration and Chakra JavaScript engine;

2. IE10 browser brings faster and smoother browsing experience to Windows 7 users;

3. The official download version of IE10 browser for Windows 7 has the same HTML5 functions as IE10 for Windows 8, including Rich Visual Effects Sophisticated Page Layouts、 Enhanced Web programming mode;

4. The "Do Not Track" function is enabled by default in the official download version of IE10 browser for Windows 7.

5. Create rich visualization effects: CSS text shadow, CSS 3D transformation, CSS3 transition and animation, CSS3 gradient and SVG filter effect

6. More complex and responsive page layout: CSS3 is used to publish quality page layout and respond to application UI (CSS3 grid, Flexbox, multi column, positioning floating point, region and hyphenation), HTML5 forms, input controls and validation

7. Enhanced Web programming model of IE10 browser: use IndexedDB and HTML5 application cache to realize better offline applications through local storage; Web Sockets, HTML5 History, Async scripts, HTML5 File API, HTML5 Drag drop, HTML5 Sandboxing, Web workers, and ES5 Strict mode support.

8. Interactive Web applications with pleasant interfaces: support a variety of new technologies, such as CSS3 positioning floating-point HTML5 Drag-drop、File Reader API、 Media query listeners, pointer events, and HTML5 forms.

9. Improved web application security of IE10 browser: use the same tags and support in HTML5 Sandbox for iframe isolation.

IE10 browser setting compatibility mode steps

1. Open the ie10 browser, right-click the blank space of the ie bar, and check the menu bar,

2. Click the toolbar option and select Compatibility View.

Ie10 browser set compatibility mode operation steps

01 Open the ie10 browser, right-click the blank space of the ie bar, and check the menu bar,

 Ie browser

02 Click the toolbar option and select the compatibility view, then the website or software program opened previously will run in compatibility mode.

 Ie browser (1)

How to put the computer's ie browser on the desktop

How to put the ie browser on the desktop? Here's how to put Internet Explorer on your desktop. Let's have a look.

 How to put the computer's ie browser on the desktop

How to unhide ie browser

How can I unhide Internet Explorer? Here's how to unhide the Internet Explorer. Let's take a look.

 How to unhide ie browser

How to set the default ie browser in which folder

How to set the default ie browser in which folder? Let's take a look at the operation method.

 How to set the default ie browser in which folder


1、 What if win7 can't install ie10 browser?

1. First, right-click My Computer and select Properties.

2. View the system version in the properties. It must be Windows7 SP1. SP is also called service package. IE10 cannot be installed only in Windows 7 without SP1 incremental package.

3. To upgrade SP1, you can find the patch in the computer management software, download and install it, or directly Baidu KB976932. This is the Windows 7 SP1 patch issued by Microsoft. But this is not the only one. Please download it on the official website.

4. After upgrading SP1, you can try to install it once. If you still cannot install it, your system still lacks key components. Click Start and select Control Panel.

5. Find System and Security in the Control Panel,

6. Enter System and Security, select Windows Update,

7. Select Check for updates in Windows Update, and then check for updates. Note that all important updates need to be downloaded and updated,

8. After the update is completed, click Install again.

2、 How to downgrade IE10 browser to IE9 and IE8?

1. Click Start menu, select Control Panel,

2. Select Programs, select View Installed Updates,

3. Since there are many updates, you can enter Internet in the upper right corner area, and you can see that Windows Internet Explorer 10 is displayed.

4. Right click Uninstall. A window pops up asking whether to uninstall the update. Click Yes. After uninstallation, you need to restart to complete the entire uninstallation process.

5. If you still want to use ie8, please continue the above steps, find the update of ie9, uninstall it and restart it to complete the entire downgrade process.

Web browser download
 Web browser download
A web browser is a software that displays files in a web server or file system and allows users to interact with these files. It is used to display text, images and other information in the World Wide Web or local area network. These text or images can be hyperlinks to other web sites, and users can quickly and easily browse various information. The web browser mainly interacts with the web server and obtains web pages through HTTP protocol. These web pages are specified by URL, and the file format is usually HTML. At present, there are many kinds of web browsers on the Internet, such as 360 Speed Browser, QQ Browser, 360 Security Browser, etc. Which software is easy to use? The following are a number of popular web browsers carefully organized by Xiao Bian. The software is easy to use, with a fresh interface and powerful functions. Welcome to download.
Netizen comments
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1st floor net friend 23-04-07 00:25:35

The download of the computer version of ie browser has helped me a lot. Thank you Cloud Knight

2nd floor net friend 23-04-05 15:37:34

Very good. I'll use yours in the future

3rd floor net friend 23-04-05 01:34:05

I found a lot of websites, but it is still reliable to download the computer version of Internet Explorer downloaded from Cloud Knight. The page is clean, and can be hidden and pushed, without interfering with normal office work

4th floor net friend 23-04-04 21:52:23

It is small and does not occupy resources. Downloading the computer version of Internet Explorer is the safest system I have ever used, which occupies the least memory. I look forward to its subsequent optimization

5F net friend 23-04-04 10:34:37

Has anyone used it? Is it good to use

6th floor net friend 23-04-03 23:25:39

Recently, I tried to download the computer version of Internet Explorer. If it works well, I will recommend it to my friends.

7th floor net friend 23-04-02 22:08:12

Now you can download it! New version

8th floor net friend 23-04-01 17:18:12

Those who say that the download is slow are your own network speed problems. What's the relationship with the download of the computer version of Internet Explorer? It's funny

9th floor net friend 23-04-01 00:25:57

Thank you very much for your selfless contribution

10th floor net friend 23-03-31 22:04:41

The computer version of Internet Explorer is very good to download, but why does 360 sometimes give false positives? It's good to have no words, just trust

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