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Key mapping tool MyKeymap v2.0-beta26 free download

 Key mapping tool MyKeymap
Software size: 10.0M Updated on: April 4, 2024 13:27:05 Software language: Chinese Software license: free software
Application platform: Windows Software label:

   Key mapping tool MyKeymap It is a deep key mapping tool, which can help you greatly improve your daily use through key mapping. It can help you provide the efficiency of computer use through key mapping. It is more efficient when switching software and switching various functions, and is very suitable for users to use, If necessary, download MyKeymap!

Key mapping tool MyKeymap

Through calling window, key mapping, keyboard control mouse and other functions, the operation efficiency is improved and the switch between mouse and keyboard is reduced.

 Key mapping tool

software function

Reduce the frequency of mouse use

Improve the efficiency of writing code, editing text, sorting notes and managing windows in work and learning

After mastering MyKeymap, you can have a smooth, comfortable and smooth operation experience in daily use of Windows

 Key mapping tool (1)

Operating Instructions

Several special hotkeys

360 is sensitive to the function of simulating fairy tales. If my Keymap is sensitive, it needs to be added to 360's belief directory, as shown in the figure (open a new window)

That function

Alt+'Restart MyKeymap (it will be configured after modification and when the program is disordered)

Shift+Alt+'Pause my keyboard mapping

Shift+Capslock Switch Capslock Status

Click Capslock to enter se to open the settings

Press the short J key and J will be sent when it pops up. See this for an introduction to this function

The semicolon key+I/J input colon/semicolon, because the semicolon key has the function of symbol input and abbreviation, which can be turned off in the settings if you don't like

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