Sohu AV

Size: 130.20MB


Language: Jian Zhong

Updated: 2024-06-14

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Resource description

Sohu Video is a professional video player software with powerful functions and stable performance. It uses a new kernel and embedded intelligent modules to ensure high-speed loading of all videos, and provides breakpoint resume, memory download, offline viewing and other functions. It supports local audio and video playback, and has the function of video 3D conversion. Interested partners should not miss it.

Software highlights

[Smooth] High speed loading ensures that all users can have a very smooth video experience when watching Sohu videos;

[Efficient] The software is small in size and takes up less resources, reducing the burden on your hard disk and memory;

[Memory] Accelerate the intelligent memory of your video every time, without repeated loading;

[Practical] Sohu AV has powerful movie and TV play recommendation function and hot word search function, so that you can easily find your favorite videos;

[Free] Sohu AV green software, free of advertising and permanent.

 Sohu AV

Software features

[Play the whole network film and television]

Popular film and television resources of major domestic video websites can be broadcast freely. Watch Sohu video and enjoy the service of inserting ads 60 seconds ago. Perfect playback of local audio and video files.

[Live Video]

It supports live broadcast of nearly 100 satellite TV stations and local stations, which is more comprehensive than TV channels.

[Super Upload]

Support the video upload of Sohu podcasts, and support multi task upload and breakpoint resume. It is very convenient for users to share videos.

[Download HD blockbusters]

Support the download of massive programs of Sohu video, and easily complete the local play of network video.

[One button chase of the whole network]

Put your favorite TV dramas and variety shows on the desktop with one button, and automatically remind when updating. The collection will never fail, and the drama will taste fresh.

[3D conversion]

All 2D videos can be converted to 3D in real time when playing, and you can also enjoy the shocking effect of the cinema at home; At the same time, it supports color conversion of 3D video, and a pair of 3D glasses can view all 3D modes.

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