AI desktop browser computer version

Size: 1.95MB


Language: Jian Zhong

Updated: 2024-06-07

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Resource description

AI desktop browser PC version is a web browsing software with very small memory. Based on Chromium browser, the software adds rich personalized functions. Free AI assistant and side bar split screen bring you a better browser experience. If you are interested, please download it!

Software features

The new tab provides weather, PDF conversion, AI assistant, software management, hot search list and other team pieces and website navigation

When browsing in stealth mode, the system will not save any of your browsing records

Switch search engines: click the icon on the left side of the search box to quickly switch search engines

Quick search: click the search category above the search box and enter a question to quickly search

Right click menu: right click in the blank area of the desktop to quickly add icons, add new groups, switch wallpapers, download wallpapers and other operations

 AI desktop browser computer version

Free PDF conversion: Users can choose the mode to be converted, and convert multiple file formats without paying!!

Free AI assistant: users can ask AI questions for many times without charge!!

Software management: The software management integrates the functions of upgrading and installation, and there are reminders of software that can be upgraded, which improves efficiency!!

Hot search list: Users can view the hot search list of Weibo, Baidu and Zhihu with one click, which is very convenient!!

Sidebar: Users can add their favorite websites, open two windows at the same time, do business while entertaining, and work and live together!!

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