
    World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D turns watches into sphygmomanometers, making healthy life in the palm

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Junrong

    Every year, May 17 is World Hypertension Day. Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and is also one of the chronic diseases with the largest number of patients in China. In recent years, the prevalence of hypertension in China has continued to rise, and with the arrival of summer, people are more likely to feel irritable and nervous, entering the high incidence period of hypertension. However, the awareness rate, treatment rate and control rate of hypertension patients in China are still at a low level, and effective prevention and management strategies are urgently needed.

    Blood pressure prevention and control needs to be intervened as soon as possible. Wearable devices open a new era of wrist health management

    With the change of lifestyle, chronic diseases such as hypertension have long been not exclusive to middle-aged and elderly people. According to the China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2 022 》The data shows that the prevalence rate of hypertension among residents aged 18 and above in China is 27.5%, which means that about one in every four adults is a hypertensive patient. The data also showed that the awareness rate of hypertension was only 51.6%; The rate of treatment reaching the standard among the people with hypertension was only 15.3%.

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

    This also means that the awareness rate, treatment rate and control rate of hypertension in China are still low, especially among young and middle-aged people, who lack awareness of hypertension and prevention means. Hypertension is known as the king of chronic diseases. Long term elevated blood pressure will quietly damage the heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other organs, significantly increasing the risk of heart, brain and kidney diseases.

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

    It can be said that the prevention and control of hypertension is an important part of the construction of a "healthy China" and the top priority of the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. It is urgent to improve the "three rates" by active intervention. The optimization of blood pressure measurement means plays an important role in improving the current situation of hypertension management.

    Today, China Cardiovascular Branch of China Association for the Promotion of Medicine, 301 Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Huawei Sports Health Based on the high precision blood pressure measurement capability of HUAWEI Research platform and Huawei WATCH D blood pressure meter, the 2024 Blood Pressure Health Research Report was released with the participation of more than 90000 research users. This report also reveals the close relationship between hypertension and bad living habits. For example, people who eat a high salt diet have a higher risk of hypertension. If the duration of sleep is less than 5 hours, the risk of hypertension will more than double.

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

    Since the volume and measurement method of traditional sphygmomanometers are complex, not portable, and must be measured at a fixed place and time, it is difficult to achieve daily real-time monitoring of blood pressure. However, driven by technology, the emergence of intelligent wearable devices equipped with health functions has provided feasibility for portable real-time monitoring of blood pressure. In 2024, the "Chinese Expert Recommendations on High Quality Blood Pressure Management for Hypertension Patients" stated that "for diagnosed hypertension patients, regular use of smart devices can understand daily blood pressure fluctuations, remind and supervise diagnosis and treatment, which will help improve blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease".

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

    The emergence of intelligent wearable devices provides a new method and opportunity for hypertension prevention and control, and also brings great convenience to consumers. Busy office workers, young and middle-aged groups can also easily measure blood pressure anytime and anywhere.

    Senseless blood pressure&ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, Huawei WATCH D helps blood pressure management

    However, not all wearable devices have the ability to accurately measure blood pressure. Although in recent years, hardware manufacturers began to try to use blood pressure measurement function on watches, due to high professional threshold and large R&D investment, there are few intelligent wearable devices supporting blood pressure measurement in the industry.

    Among many smart wear manufacturers, Huawei has been involved in the field of smart wear and sports health since 2014. Since 2018, Huawei has been deeply involved in the field of cardiovascular health, and has cooperated with authoritative medical institutions in the industry to carry out relevant health research Software Driven by the algorithm platform and comprehensive digital health service capabilities, Huawei WATCH D, the first wrist ECG and blood pressure recorder, was launched and registered as a Class II medical device by the Drug Administration. Huawei WATCH D integrates the structure of micro air pump, air bag and other blood pressure measurement technologies into the watch, so that the single measurement error is controlled within ± 3mmHg, achieving medical grade accurate results. At the same time, it realizes the sensorless blood pressure trend and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in daily life scenarios, making it possible to measure blood pressure and collect ECG anytime and anywhere.

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

    Since human blood pressure varies greatly due to age, gender, health status and physiological characteristics, Huawei WATCH D has collected a large amount of data in the research and development stage, and classified people according to the pulse wave signal characteristics obtained in the measurement process, automatically matching the most suitable one for the current user from a variety of algorithm models, Reduce the impact of individual differences on blood pressure measurement and improve the accuracy of blood pressure measurement.

    Of course, the correct test method is the prerequisite for accurate blood pressure measurement. In view of this, Huawei WATCH D is equipped with measurement assistance prompt, which will recognize hand movements based on the built-in motion sensor and pulse wave measurement. When finding abnormal hand movements, it will automatically remind the user to adjust the posture, so as to obtain more accurate measurement data.

     World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D "turns watches into" sphygmomanometers, enabling healthy life\

    In addition, Huawei WATCH D, as a product that has passed the Class II medical device registration of the Food and Drug Administration, can monitor all important indicators of the body, such as ECG ECG collection, all-day heart rate and blood oxygen monitoring, sleep monitoring, body temperature monitoring, and can also conduct intelligent evaluation of weekly data, and guard users' health step by step.

    Cooperating with professional research institutions, Huawei WATCH D brings one-stop closed-loop services

    Huawei Terminal B G C E O He Gang once said, "We hope that when users receive health alerts from watches, they will not get health anxiety, but a complete set of health solutions."

    For this reason, Huawei not only creates a digital and intelligent blood pressure health management scheme according to the Chinese Hypertension Health Management Standard, but also cooperates deeply with the Chinese Hypertension Specialist Medical Association. Combining the blood pressure measurement function of Huawei watches with the Huawei Sports Health App, it can provide users with personalized blood pressure management services, covering multiple dimensions such as daily exercise, diet, sleep, etc, Daily health clocking helps users develop good habits, intelligently analyze the effect of blood pressure control, and help users achieve active blood pressure health management.

    In terms of data interpretation, if the user's measurement results are abnormal, they can conduct online professional health consultation through the Huawei Sports Health App. It not only supports one-on-one online consultation for private doctors, consultation for specialists in Grade A hospitals, and assistance in registration services, but also can sign up with private doctors through the APP. When abnormalities are found, they will actively contact to avoid risk escalation.

    Write at the end

    In this era of increasing prevalence of hypertension, Huawei WATCH D The introduction of the blood pressure meter makes the prevention and treatment of hypertension start from understanding and starting from every accurate measurement. it It is not only a good helper for patients with hypertension, but also Discussed the fusion and accurate evaluation between lifestyle characteristics and physiological parameters monitored by intelligent wearable devices, provided more reference for lifestyle intervention means and effect evaluation, and strongly promoted the positive development of blood pressure management and chronic disease prevention

    It is believed that with the joint efforts of many parties, intelligent wearable devices will bring more opportunities and ingenuity for the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases in the future.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: World Hypertension Day: Huawei WATCH D turns watches into sphygmomanometers, making healthy life in the palm true report four thousand three hundred and fifty-one Every year, May 17 is World Hypertension Day. Hypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, and is also one of the chronic diseases with the largest number of patients in China. In recent years, the prevalence of hypertension in China has continued to rise, and with the arrival of summer, people are more likely to feel irritable and nervous, entering the high incidence period of hypertension, but the awareness rate, treatment rate and control rate of hypertension patients in China are still in the
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