
    Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Junrong

    The Vision Pro head display, regarded by Apple as the next generation of "space computing equipment", has been officially launched in the United States, starting at $3499, equivalent to about 25000 yuan. Although the price is high, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of fans.

     Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    It should be noted that some domestic bloggers have taken the lead in getting Vision Pro to open the box. From the exposed packaging box, Vision Pro is made in China. Like iPhone and other products, Apple is only responsible for design, assembly and production in China. Even before, a little red book netizen published a picture and said that the Vision Pro he bought had been delivered to Shanghai, China.

     Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    It has been revealed that Lixun Precision is a Vision Pro assembly partner, and the first batch of Vision Pro is contracted by Lixun Precision in Kunshan.

    Of course, no matter where Vision Pro is produced, it also confirms that this finished product has indeed led to further development of the industry. However, the "bullet" of technology may be needed to fly for a while.

    It can be said that our ideal head display device should have the following six points:

    (1) Equipped with chips with strong performance and low power consumption;

    (2) High quality screen display, wide visual angle;

    (3) The battery is light and has a long life;

    (4) The head display is relatively light, comfortable to wear, and can be worn for a long time;

    (5) The most natural interaction mode, which can directly capture the hand, eye and voice for interaction;

    (6) It can achieve perfect integration and interaction with the real world without taking off glasses repeatedly and affecting daily life experience.

    but In 2024, what parameters should we pay attention to when buying a head display?

    1. Visual angle

    Today's major science and technology factories mainly focus on real-time precise positioning, tracking technology, screen display delay, scene color, etc., trying to change the direction of user's visual experience, while the main parameters affecting the experience of the display part include PPD, FOV and delay.

    Among them, FOV represents the angle of view. The visual angle of our eyes is 220 degrees. If we want to achieve a better immersion effect, we should try to approach this value when buying. Common VR The viewing angle of the device is about 100 degrees. However, some all-in-one products positioned as VR theaters will use smaller FOV for better viewing experience, so you should choose according to your own needs.

     Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    PPD refers to the number of pixels that can be seen by the eye in a single angle of view. For VR devices, the larger the PPD, the better. This is also an important parameter closely related to the clarity of VR devices.

    2. Clarity

    Definition is generally determined by resolution, refresh rate and PPI.

    PPI refers to the number of pixels seen by the human eye in a certain angle of view. PPI is a core factor that determines the definition. Basically, the higher the better.

    Resolution is one of the most frequently publicized parameters by manufacturers, such as 2.5K, 4K, etc., which refers to the number of pixel points contained in the unit inch. If you want to have a good viewing experience, you should buy 4K resolution and above.

     Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    3. Tracking accuracy

    High tracking accuracy and low delay are more likely to cause immersion.

    Now the tracking accuracy is mainly determined by the performance of the positioning system and the handle on the market. Apple Vision Pro has broken the existing situation and replaced it with Eye movement and hand tracking function, through the built-in sensor to facilitate the reading of eye movements, when we stare at the items on the screen, we can control the device, and when we pinch the thumb and index finger together, we can activate the task, which will be more convenient to use than the VR head display which currently relies on the handle for control.

     Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    4. Wearing comfort

    As a headworn device, if the machine is too heavy or the overall comfort is poor, it is impossible to wear it for a long time, and it is also difficult to insist on using it, resulting in idle products. It is a waste of money even if the experience is greatly discounted. Therefore, in addition to the weight, attention should also be paid to the material of the equipment, and whether it supports the adjustment of pupil distance or the use of glasses.

     Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Is Apple Vision Pro really domestic? What parameters should be paid attention to when buying head mounted display true report two thousand five hundred and ninety-four The Vision Pro head display, regarded by Apple as the next generation of "space computing equipment", has been officially launched in the United States, starting at $3499, equivalent to about 25000 yuan. Although the price is high, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of fans. It should be noted that some domestic bloggers have taken the lead in getting Vision Pro to open the box. From the exposed packaging box, Vision Pro is made in China
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