
    Why bother if it gets in the way? No problem, more love! Huawei helps visually impaired people to get through the "blind path of science and technology"

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wei Jiahong

    According to the official data of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, the total number of all kinds of disabled people in China has reached 85 million, which is equivalent to 6 disabled people in every 100 Chinese people. This is a huge group. Few of them can go out of their homes and participate in social life. Indeed, it seems that we seldom see them in public places in our daily life, such as parks, shopping malls, and subways. Many of them are still trapped at home, as if they are isolated in an island.

    Our deepest impression on the disabled people should be in the Winter Paralympic Games last year. At that time, we saw that they not only received applause and applause from the world through their hard work, but also greatly increased the attention of the disabled people to the "blind running", encouraging them to go out of their small world to embrace and run to the outside world.

    But in front of the screen, we may only remember those touching and inspiring moments, but how many people will go deep into their stories? How hard did they work to be able to run? This is just the group we can see in the media, but how many in real life?

    I once saw such a picture on the road: a blind man crossed the road with a blind stick, took a small step with a tap, and walked more and more towards the middle of the road. The traffic had to keep whistling, trying to avoid the old man. This leads to the plight of a visually impaired group - more often, blind people rely on hearing when crossing the road, "where the large forces are, they will go."

    If there is no navigation in a strange environment, the blind will become more difficult to move. Traffic lights, road conditions, whether the bus arrives, shop signs, indoor signs, and even the packaging of daily necessities and medicines are all missing. The cruel reality is that if a blind person can't use a mobile phone and a computer, he may only have one radio to connect with the world, and he seldom goes out of his home. A seemingly ordinary thing in the intelligent era may become a difficult thing that cannot be completed independently in the context of the above description in front of the barrier group.

    Can science and technology only change the lives of healthy groups, but can't do anything to meet the needs of disabled groups? The charm of science and technology is to benefit everyone. Today, with the rapid development of information technology, how to make every user enjoy a better digital life has gradually become an important topic of scientific and technological innovation. In response to this thinking, Huangjia will conduct barrier free evaluation every year. In 2023, Huawei and Apple will become five stars in the evaluation, becoming a recommended brand for visually impaired users. This is the third consecutive year that Huawei has achieved good results in the barrier free evaluation of Huangjia.

    "Technology, let no one fall behind" is Huawei's development philosophy. It is committed to the construction of information accessibility, so that everyone can feel the beautiful life brought by technology. It is also an important direction of HarmonyOS research and development. HarmonyOS 3 has brought many practical functions, such as smart voice, image recognition, photography assistance, etc., so that everyone can "see and hear" the world, and truly ensure that no one is left behind in the technological era.

    In order to make visually impaired people more intuitively contact the world and make their life more convenient, HarmonyOS 3 especially supports the image recognition function. It can recognize objects and text information in the environment through the mobile phone camera, and describe the characteristics and location relationships of objects through voice broadcast. He Yajun, the leader of the blind runner team, has participated in the marathon more than 70 times in 10 years, The voice can automatically broadcast: "The gold medal on the black surface, the text is detected - Beijing International Long distance Festival Beijing Half Marathon", so that he can "see" his honor and efforts.

     Why bother if it gets in the way? No problem, more love! Huawei helps visually impaired people to get through the "blind path of science and technology"

    It is understood that Huawei's barrier free text information support recognition includes text content on bus stop signs, common trademarks, traffic signs, menus, certificates, bills, cards and other items. For example, "There is a box of milk on the table, the text is detected, and the production date is 20200530", which gives the visually impaired people a more intuitive feeling. For some Chinese local items such as crayfish, moon cakes, sausages, etc., HarmonyOS 3 has higher recognition accuracy and is more friendly to domestic visually impaired users.

    In the era of All Things Smart Connect, voice interaction is the most basic and instinctive interaction mode in the future. With the support of Xiaoyi Wisdom Voice Assistant With more and more devices, the collaboration between various devices has become increasingly important. He Yajun said to his mobile phone, "Let's start running." He could wake up Huawei watch and start recording running information, thanks to the ability of HarmonyOS 3 to select the most appropriate device to respond and respond through the coordinated wake-up and response of multiple devices.

     Why bother if it gets in the way? No problem, more love! Huawei helps visually impaired people to get through the "blind path of science and technology"

    In addition, on the basis of image recognition, HarmonyOS 3 adds an auxiliary function of photographing to help visually impaired users take wonderful movies. He Yajun stands by the lake, recognizes the scenery in front of him through the viewfinder, and his mobile phone broadcasts: "a piece of water under the blue and orange sky" to help visually impaired groups press the shutter and record the beautiful scene in front of them to share with others.

     Why bother if it gets in the way? No problem, more love! Huawei helps visually impaired people to get through the "blind path of science and technology"

    At the end of 2022, Black Light, a talk show actor, popularized the real life of visually impaired people to us in the performance. China has the largest number of visually impaired people, accounting for 28% of the total. In fact, the world of blind people is not completely dark, because black is also a color that needs to be "seen". Only when it is really seen by us can we truly achieve "more love without hindrance" like the colors we use to record with the aid of photography!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Why bother if it gets in the way? No problem, more love! Huawei helps visually impaired people to get through the "blind path of science and technology" true report three thousand three hundred and eighty-eight According to the official data of the China Disabled Persons' Federation, the total number of all kinds of disabled people in China has reached 85 million, which is equivalent to 6 disabled people in every 100 Chinese people. This is a huge group. Few of them can go out of their homes and participate in social life. Indeed, it seems that we seldom see them in public places in our daily life, such as parks, shopping malls and subways
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