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Smart Group Construction Computer Edition

Software for group building activities
 Smart group building computer version mobile software app
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Software Introduction

Smart Group Construction Computer Edition 》It is a software for organizing League building activities. The software can easily organize League building activities. Users can view the contents of these activities online. It is very convenient and fast to use. It is easy to obtain the latest information. It can also learn more about the Communist Youth League online. Yes, it is more convenient to use. It supports users to download and use for free, You can exchange opinions online. If you are interested, please download the experience of smart group building.

Software Details

Smart League Construction can easily manage League member organizations through this application. It is easy to obtain the news information content of the League members and participate in the activities of various League organizations. Users can use the initial password to log in to the platform, where they can read many of the latest League activities. Every day, they will push some of the latest news information of the League organizations, giving more service experience to the League members, and giving them a platform for service interaction.

software function

In order to improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the training, before the meeting, the Youth League Working Committee of the New Area collected and sorted out the problems of the Youth League cadres in the application of the "Smart Youth League Construction" system, and invited the relevant staff of the Shenzhen Youth League Municipal Committee Organization and Publicity Department to give a detailed introduction to the overall system, main functions, work requirements and technical operations of the "Smart Youth League Construction". At the meeting, the practical operation demonstration was carried out for the possible problems and specific solutions in the seven templates of organization management, league cadre management, system management, league member management, organizational relationship transfer, group fee management, and message management, and the questions collected and sorted out were answered one by one.

This training further strengthened the awareness of grass-roots league organizations at all levels on the importance of "smart league building", improved the operation and use of the "smart league building" system for league cadres, and laid a solid foundation for accelerating the construction of the big data platform for the Communist Youth League in the New Area.

Software features

1. Smart group building software includes internal social networking within the group organization and external social networking without organization.

2. Explore the new model of the Communist Youth League's main business of "directly connecting with youth and horizontally connecting with youth".

3. A large number of convenient service functions are available for free, and you can log in your member account.

Software highlights

1. Smart Group Construction can easily get the latest event news.

2. Easily learn all kinds of League members' knowledge online and communicate with League organizations.

3. More convenient one-stop authorization mode makes online login more simple and convenient.

Related information

The Communist Youth League Central Committee and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for the Reform of the Communist Youth League in Middle Schools" recently, which proposed to explore the establishment of league education cooperation organizations such as the Education Youth League Working Committee, to achieve the post of secretary of the Youth League Committee in middle schools within three to five years, to strengthen the advanced construction, and to control the proportion of student league members.

Middle school is the golden stage for the Communist Youth League to carry out its work, and it is also the main source of the development of the members of the Communist Youth League. Whether the "first button" can be properly buttoned is not only related to the healthy growth of young students, but also determines the foundation for the long-term development of the Communist Youth League. However, in recent years, the Communist Youth League in some schools has some problems, such as insufficient organizational vitality, weakened functions of the League organization, the League cadres are not closely linked with young students, and the sense of service and innovation is not strong. Behind the increasing number of League members, there are also many hidden dangers.

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Software screenshot
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  •  Screenshot of SmartTeam PC version mobile software app
  •  Screenshot of SmartTeam PC version mobile software app
  •  Screenshot of SmartTeam PC version mobile software app
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